Large Scale Central

Build log for a narrow gauge 64' Howe Deck Truss Bridge

I started this project thinking about building RGS bridge 46B which has a wood 64’ deck truss bridge that was replaced in 1925 by a simple trestle. While I found a lot of information on this bridge I could not find any good photos or plans. I did find plans for the RGS 45A108’ bridge which I may build next year and line drawings for 46B.

With Al’s help we discovered plans for a D&RG standard 64’ deck truss bridge from 1889. While these are plans for a standard guage bridge, it was remarkebly similar to the dimensions we had for RGS 46B and also to the look and feel of 108 ft 45A so I decided to go withthese plans as the basis of the bridge I intend to build.

First step is to acquire all the various parts some of which Al will 3D print for me. Al also did a full model of the bridge that maps out all the various parts needed.

With luck I should have something to show by the NELSTS in May.
