Bruce Chandler said:Happens every time, don't it.
And changes in plan...;)
I changed my mind on the windows. My original plan was to fold the brick into the window opening. But the corroplast opening is just a bit narrow for that. So now, I’m going to use some 1/8" angle pieces glued to the sides. This will have the added benefit of providing a better way to hold the windows in place.
I’m also using all my scrap that I’ve saved over the years. So the brick is done in pieces, rather than one sheet and cut the window out.
You may have said it and I missed it, but what do you use for glue with this choroplast. I have used hot glue, and someone else suggested contact cement. I was just wondering what you are using. This is going to be a cool building.
I used Welder, a contact cement for the last building I did with this corroplast, but this time I’m trying E-6000. The Welder did fine, but it’s hard to find any more. I’ve got a tube of black E-6000 that I used up, and you can see some of the black in the picture. But, my supply train just came in, so now I’m using clear.
Good old Weld-on #16 seems to work pretty well, too.
Yeah, I’ve used Weld-On…and still do. But, it does tend to deform the Precision Products stuff a bit.
Bruce Chandler said:Goop will do that too, if you put it on too thick.............
Yeah, I've used Weld-On...and still do. But, it does tend to deform the Precision Products stuff a bit.
OK. I’ve tested out what I need, so it’s time to move on to the other sides of the building.
Doors are made out of styrene strip. I’ll add some escutcheon pins for door knobs. The plan is to put clear acrylic behind the windows. It will be oversize so I can glue it to the back of the wall, holding the wire windows in place. Same for the doors.
I’ll paint the brick first before I add in the windows and doors.
Damn nice masonry work!
The hardware cloth sure makes some nice multi pane windows.
That’s going to be a sharp building.
looking sharp. Waiting to see the end result
Me too, the end result from Bruce is always worth the wait.
Thanks Bruce, and that building is really looking great. Very nice work.
Looks good Bruce. The 10MM Coroplast really worked out nicely for the stairs.
Jon Radder said:Yeah, That looks like a nice, EASY, way to build stairs ;) Ralph
The 10MM Coroplast really worked out nicely for the stairs.
Ralph Berg said:
Jon Radder said:
The 10MM Coroplast really worked out nicely for the stairs.Yeah, That looks like a nice, EASY, way to build stairs
Easy is the name of the game for me! The easier the better. I decided I better see if the windows would work out, so I painted a section of wall and put the window in, then glued a piece of acrylic behind it. I like it.
What color will the mortar be?
David Russell said:I'm thinking red...
What color will the mortar be? ;)
Door painted and installed. The clear acrylic backing goes across the back and holds it in place. Door knobs are made from brass escutcheon pins.
The sides of the building will be made from some 1/4" foamed PVC that I got in a horse trade with Jon. It’s a bit different to work with. My mini-scroll saw blade is so thin that the stuff just melts back together - even on a low speed. But, after sawing on all four sides, I knock out the opening with a hammer and then file and sand the edges for a fairly smooth look. This is the side that will have the loading dock. Seven windows and a door. The dock will extend from the door to two windows to the left. I plan to cover it with a steel looking roof.
That entryway looks really sharp.