I looked close, certainly cannot see concrete under the ties.
From the angle of the camera, if it is there it’s hidden pretty good.
Kinda like smoke outta the stack would have hidden some fencing.
I am limited on my RR in places I could take photos that MH would accept, specifically due to fences and houses in the background.
Model Railroader used to have all sorts of “how-to’s”, long before anybody ever considered a Kevin version of the Strong clan, about taking photos either for submission or just to “check” on your progress, get the film developed and printed, get a stiff drink, good lighting, kick back in your easy chair and open the envelope.
Look objectively, and you would see the pilot beam not level…the running boards not parallel to the rails…the cab sitting up on one side…the whistle leaning…
I still see photos where nobody looked.
Wheels off the track. Headlamps twisted. Smokeboxes not seated on cylinder saddles.
I recall many years ago a photo of an articulated built with Bachmann 4-6-0’s.
Siderod twisted around with one driver so far out of quarter from the rest, there was no way it could run.
Remember, I didn’t start this thread.
I was just puzzled as to the “robbed” part, so I went and looked at the pix.
Hence the commentary.
Nobody got “robbed”, from what I see.