Large Scale Central

Boomer's Prize Figures Build Log...sort of

Okay I know it does not fit in exactly with the topic but here is the nuts and bolts of this years figures.

As promised three figures awarded in three categories. The winner in each category is randomly drawn by Mrs Boomer (she promise to do her best LOTTO POWER BALL girl imitation. Of course none of you will see that because it will occur in my living room without cameras or witnesses.)

“Mik, just Mik” - a 1/22.5 figure awarded from those who participate in the build. You don’t have to be the best just make something according to Dave’s rules. (This is a legal statement required by Dave)

Ken Brunt - (because who doesn’t want Ken at their house on a permanent basis?) a 1/20.3 figure awarded from those that vote according to Dave’s rules.

Bob McCown - a 1/20.3 figure awarded from those that are Benevolent Dictators and run the forum…so pretty much Bob.

You can get the full build log along with way more commentary than the average human would want, here:

And finally some pictures:

A couple of pinheads under construction.

The three Amigo’s ready for Milliput.

More to come.

No actual feelings were hurt in the making of this post. All whining will be ignored. Any additional whining can be sent to Rooster for further ignortion (yes that is a real word).

These will look great!! Can’t wait to see the finished result!

ignortion is a great word. I will try to use it tomorrow The spell checker does not think it is a word

Boomer said

“As promised three figures awarded in three categories. The winner in each category is randomly drawn by Mrs Boomer (she promise to do her best LOTTO POWER BALL girl imitation. Of course none of you will see that because it will occur in my living room without cameras or witnesses.)”

I believe that this should be a video moment, since it is part of the contest. (

edited for the smilies

I hereby invoke the power of the rule #1.

Rule number one? Don’t piss off the driver? How does that apply?

I really have nothing to say and would normally put up a blank post but it seems others get butthurt by my blank posts and report them to the moderator. My blank posts only mean that I was only acknowledging the original poster. (we need to speak properly these days and explain what used to be simple response here stating that “I am watching and enjoying this post” in America …I mean Large Scale Central)

Nice work Boomer

BTW…if you decide to NOT put a hat on Ken. Painting of the skull above the hat line flesh color is acceptable.

I may own the only photograph of Ken at a train event without a hat. I had to promise Ken I would stop posting it so he wouldn’t come up and break my bumpers (

Daktah John said:

I may own the only photograph of Ken at a train event without a hat. I had to promise Ken I would stop posting it so he wouldn’t come up and break my bumpers (

If you need me to drive down there and break his legs/bumpers just say the word!

" Rooster " said:

Daktah John said:

I may own the only photograph of Ken at a train event without a hat. I had to promise Ken I would stop posting it so he wouldn’t come up and break my bumpers (

If you need me to drive down there and break his legs/bumpers just say the word!

Promises, promises…(

Nice work Boomer. I would make the hat removable on Ken and maybe have him chocking the Rooster. (Shut up Rooster)

Shawn, be careful, I am not sure you can say that on here. I mean…oh, “the Rooster”. Oh, I misunderstood.

Never mind.

Varying amounts of work done on all the guys. Details for those that want them on my website.

Ken is about ready for his base. The other two are being obstinate!

A successful day of herding the cats. Everybody ready for primer.

Lookin Good Boomer!!!

Finally got some weather warm enough to shoot primer. Now to get serious about painting.

Great looking figures! I can really see them with the primer on them!

Those are coming out very well Boomer

…and then there was paint.

Mik’s shirt is a basic mustard yellow, Bob’s is brick red and Ken is sky blue.

Mik and Ken are getting the stripe within a stripe while Bob is going plaid.

Next I will do the jeans and overalls. I always start by painting the left side first…they are after all the sort of fellas who put their pants on one leg at a time.

Wow, They are coming along nicely.(