Large Scale Central

Bob, You shouldn't have let the forums be overrun


With the type of people occupying the forums, you just might expect a visit from the NSA or the HSA. Did a couple of the states open their prison gates and let the incorrigibles out or what? Maybe you can firehose the place out from time to time. I know, I know… Large Scalers are a peaceful religion… except for the Jihadists

with hand shielding eyes, looks carefully upon the western hrizon.
Turning slowly, scans north, east and south with similar care.
When gaze once again turns to the west, shrugs his shoulders and walks back to his hut…

And not having seen any smoke signals, lays his AK47 aside and thinks maybe some of that technology that the Iman told us to get rid of was not so bad after all. He then prostrates himself in front of his inoperable old lap top.

No worries, Tom, I’ve got a gun, a shovel, and a couple acres out back.

Tom! Shhhhh! Nobody’s supposed to know about me.

“Bob, You shouldn’t have let the forums be overrun by Tom Smith”

Why would Tom Smith want to overrun the forums?


You’re quick, Tony!

None quicker Tom.

Except when I don’t get the jokes.

Which is very often nowadays.

TonyWalsham said:
None quicker Tom.

Except when I don’t get the jokes.

Which is very often nowadays.

Sheeesh Tony,

I thought you get all the jokes. :wink: :slight_smile:


The real bummer is when one starts to tell a joke and forgets the punch line. Then you know your in for a rough aging process.


As Robin Williams said in “Good Morning Vietnam”

"Why am I here ? "

Darryl Noble said:
"Why am I here ? "
You are waiting for Godot.
Chris Vernell said:
Darryl Noble said:
"Why am I here ? "
You are waiting for Godot.
Who is Godot?
Steve Featherkile said:
Chris Vernell said:
Darryl Noble said:
"Why am I here ? "
You are waiting for Godot.
Who is Godot?
Steve, :D :D :D

I was just waiting for that! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:


Who is Godot?

Serious question.

“Waiting for Godot” is an off Broadway Play, which centers around the interaction of people with a guy who is waiting for Godot.

Oh by the way, Godot never does materialize.

The Lone Railroader

The question was; who is Godot?

The play involves two characters, Vladmir and Estragon, who sit under a tree waiting for Godot to show up. They talk to some folks, they talk to each other, they contemplate suicide … Godot never turns up, is never mentioned by more than his first name, and you’re never party to any more than they’re waiting for him …

So, really, nobody knows the answer to that one.

I did have one literature class where there was discussion that he was God … but nobody really bought that one. Beckett wrote a lot of hopeless, lonely, despairing stuff so who knows, maybe that WAS his point.

Next week: Krapp’s Last Tape.

I need to be educated, too. Been in the Navy (45/46) so I learned SNAFU early, and of course the next step up was TARFU (Things Are Really - - ), and the ultimate, the sine non qua, was FUBAR, - - Beyond All Recognition.

So what’s FUBARB?

Art, Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Really fouled up rhubarb? The worst of both worlds…

Actually, I am the only person I have ever met personally that has put a computer officially into fubar.

At the University of California, San Diego, when I attended, programs often ran for a very long time before final output. At first the operators thought long-running programs were hung, and terminated them.

Computer time was costly, and some of the professor’s programs could run for 5 days, so early termination, obviously without result, caused quite a stir.

So the rule was that the operators could not terminate a program without the express permission of the program owner.

I ran a program doing large array calculations in Fortran. Now Fortran is a pretty simple-minded programming language, and it turns multi-dimensional arrays into a single, long string of data, keeping in mind what the actual array coordinates of each datum are.

Well, I found a bug, and went “off” my array right into the operating system. After 3 days, the program printed a single line:

fubar error

It was sort of “funny money” that students were charged for their usage. Mine was about $100,000 for the fiasco. (no one really was charged, just a way to limit overuse of the computers).

Control Data offered me a job subsequently.

Regards, Greg