Large Scale Central

BN caboose kitbash

I almost don’t want to post and distract from the MIK build but this project was started before the MIK and has a similar theme.

About a year or so ago, I first learned about a BN caboose that was painted on one side with a DARE logo. At the time, I only had seen two photos shot in quick succession from a local railfan. The photo was shot along the branchline I model in July of 1998. Although its a bit outside of my timeframe of 89-91, this special paint schemed screamed the decade to me. Most likely because I was a kid in elementary school and the DARE program was in full force.

Ed Weiss photos

When I first saw these photos, I started down the rabbit hole of trying to find more photos and determine a rough timeline of when it might have been painted. I reached out to the MFCL list for some sleuthing and found out that the caboose was part of a PC&F build of BN caboose numbers 12175-12252 in Renton, WA from 07/78-8/78. I still haven’t nailed down an exact date of the DARE paint job, but another local railfan snapped a picture in Bellingham prior to the DARE logo and then again later with it applied on one side. My guess is that the BN Vancouver shops did the custom paint job, and the caboose roamed mostly the PNW.

This project sat in the back of my mind until this past summer, when my family spent a day at Train Mountain. Low and behold up front was a BN caboose that I could take some detailed photos. Granted it was a completely different builder and lot number, but it was a start. One of the things I had noticed right away as a problem on the model was the window shapes on both the cupola and the ends and a lack of underframe details. I grabbed as many shots as I could while my family impatiently waited in the hot sun, mostly concentrating on the underframe details, but also getting a few end shots. And despite having a scale ruler in my pocket that also had a 1:1 ruler, I stupidly didn’t get any photos with measurements. :roll_eyes:

As if I didn’t have enough unfinished rolling stock projects, a few months ago I decided that I was frustrated with the Oley Valley car and started tearing into a USAT extended vision caboose. Little did I know that it would have probably been easier and faster just to scratch build the entire thing as the USAT model was a very generic model of an extended vision caboose. The overall dimensions are fairly close but window sizes, step layout platforms was way off! I knew the underframe was a complete wash and would get rebuilt.

Let’s play how much Craig can sand off and then rebuild…

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My non mik build continues with a strange desire to fill and sand over existing holes to then remake hole slightly in a different position or not at all.

I got frustrated with the cupola end windows after I realized that they are more rectangular (20" x 24" opening) vs the square opening. And also added to the fact that the window detail was basically flush with the side instead of sticking out slightly. I’m still working on tweaking a print for these so I can open the window back up, slide a chunk of slide glass in and then reseal with the print.

While I was waiting for my brain to process this, I started filling holes on the caboose ends, designed and printed a oil filter, mocked up some parts, bent some brass rod and then went all crazy and made some NBW details.i got this idea from someone either here or from MLS that has these etched in brass and then you added a NBW detail from some HO scale line. I can’t remember who or when they mailed them too me, but I think I was back either when I first started my Snow Dozer project or the GP30 ( both I’m hoping to get finished soon. I’ve said that before!)

I live in Ft. Worth, Texas the home of BNSF and there are several BN items around the area to see. There are two cabooses close to where I live and the home office has several passengers cars on their property you can visit when open. Ft. Worth is a great RR town, at one time Ft. Worth had eight major RR here, a lot of old stuff around the city to visit, especially if you are a BN fan.

Craig, thanks for posting your non-Mik build, even while it’s still running. The MIK is great, but other things are happening, and you’re handling this just fine. I missed the MIK boat, timing wise, and may do something similar.

Nice work with the NBW’s.

Ok, sort of an embarrassing question from someone born in 2001…what does D.A.R.E. stand for? I have never seen this caboose before now. It’s actually really cool. I always thought it was some kind of police unit because my uncle owns an old police Camaro that has that same thing on it!

Drug Abuse Resistance Education

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Another reason I opted out of the MIK build this year is next Saturday is the annual Awana Pinewood Derby at our church. And once again I waited until the last minute to work on cars with my kids despite buying kids almost 2 months ago. :roll_eyes: They are doing 90% of the work which is nice but I got sucked into an adult “build anything that can fit in the track class” so I’m building a 8" tractor and a 12" trailer… just the cab will race. Taking away from real modeling. :joy:

Was two not enough?? :grin:

Thought that was illegal. :innocent: :sunglasses:

Huh. Yeah, I guess a little of Calvin and Hobbes came out with the wording of that post. Afterall, Calvin was a K-Mart blue light special. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t feel bad Jenny, I was born in '59 and didn’t know what it was either.

Thanks for putting the question out there. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

DARE started in the mid to late 80’s but really took off in the mid 90’s before it was found to be not really as effective as they thought. It’s still out there, but I’d say the 90’s are kinda peak time frame. My prototype photo is July 98 so a bit past my modeling year but I’m guessing the caboose was painted a few years before that. I haven’t nailed down and exact date yet, nor probably ever will. But to me this screams mid 90’s. And because it was only painted on one side, I can flip the caboose around and hide it as most of the layout is only viewable from one side.

that is understandable. i suppose that was the first time you were born?

Darrell Sawyer took this pic on 17 Feb 1995 and claims it was painted the month before.

Of course, it had to happen; last night while streaming Young Sheldon DARE was referenced.

You can find it at about the 1:42 mark.

Pinewood Derby, great event for the scouts! Some of us leaders built 18 wheeler’s. Mine is GYRO.

An extension on the track start, they can race.

Thanks Dan,
That’s funny Darryl emailed me that same photo but didn’t tell me a date. :joy:

That’s a good thing to know so I can lightly weather it at least on that side. On one of his shots he sent me, you can see the BN logo and the spelled out Burlington Northern reflection through the paint as it wasn’t completely smooth/primed. I pondering how to make the same effect. Maybe a .005" layer of styrene cut out and glued to the surface with the logo and name, then primed and then the DARE base over the top. I’m not anywhere close to even thinking about that but it’s an interesting effect.

Make a mask with a Cricut and paint Burlington Northern with RO filler primer.

That’s not a bad idea. Definitely thinner than styrene. I was thinking about masks anyway for the lettering.