Large Scale Central

Bluestone Southern's Woodlawn Interchange

Woodlawn interchange is trenched out, and ready for roadbed so that track can be laid… Weather reports for the weekend are extremely hot and humid, so not sure how much will get accomplished…

This picture is taken from the retaining wall of Hilltop Sub, looking east towards woodlawn… The interchange will out just right of the lighthouse… Down the left side, you can see the trrench for the EVWR mainline that goes to the interchange…

The above picture is taken from where the EVWR mainline would run, after it crosses the interchange… The EVWR mainline runs straight ahead… The Bluestone Southern mainline runs left to right… Hopefully, weather permitting, roadbed and track will be in by the end of the weekend…

Lookin’ good!

Do what I do, get up at 0500 and work before the heat arrives. :stuck_out_tongue:

Steve, around here, at 5 am, the ground is all wet from dew, and the humidity is real high…

Andy Clarke said:
Steve, around here, at 5 am, the ground is all wet from dew, and the humidity is real high...
Oh grow some balls and stop whimpering....Just get that thing done! :)
David Russell said:
Andy Clarke said:
Steve, around here, at 5 am, the ground is all wet from dew, and the humidity is real high...
Oh grow some balls and stop whimpering....Just get that thing done! :)
Growing them is not the problem.....Keeping them from melting is. :)

Andy -

Ignore these guys :smiley: I am continually amazed at the amount of work you can get done in a short time. In the time it has taken me to put in 15 feet of track, you’ve graded hundreds of feet, built huge retaining walls and laid lots of track. It should be you calling me a wimp in my expansion thread instead of telling me how good my hours worth of work looks. Keep going!

I hope to be able to get out that way someday to see it in person.

Jon, they don’t bother me… I do what I can, when I can… such is life…

today, the dew point is 73, temp is 84, heat index at 11:00 am is 91… I work in 25-30 minute stints, then break, till i quit sweating and have cooled back down enough, take a few tylenol and an aleve, then hit it again… I stop working, when my T-shirt is half soaked in sweat, or the sweat runs down into my eyes…

I work at the pace I can handle… :slight_smile:

Well, did get a little work done…


Started working on cutting in the two waterways, one from the Woodlawn area, and the other, from the Sparta cut… Soaked the roadbed area last night, so we could trench it out today in that area… It’s mostly clay, and it was also the ““roadway”” for my tractor for a few years, so it was pretty packed…


Worked a bit more on the roadbed trenches and loaded in some dirt, for the landscaping before I block the way in with rail roadbed and track… We’ll see what the morning brings…

The temperatures out here weren’t quite as bad as they predicted in St Louis, however the dew points and jumidity was higher… We did make some progress on the woodlawn and hilltop areas…


Hilltop got it’s roadbed area trenched and basic fill of ballast…


EVWR roadbed heading into Woodlawn got it’s fill of ballast…


EVWR roadbed heading into Woodlawn interchange with ballast…


Woodlawn interchange roadbed got it’s fill of ballast… Thunderstorms are forecast for Monday night and Tuesday morning… Hopefully, this should get the roadbed wet, and allow it to soak and pack down… Once it is packed, the track can be placed… It turned out to be a fairly good work weekend after all…

Will it be ready for our September visit? :wink:

Bruce Chandler said:
Will it be ready for our September visit? ;)
While your partying it up with Bruce.......your illegitimate son that is totally broke needs some money wired ASAP. :)
Bruce Chandler said:
Will it be ready for our September visit? ;)
Bruce, my goal is:
  1. to have the Woodlawn interchange in.

  2. to have Hilltop Sub bridged across the Sparta cut and have a return loop temporarily installed on Hilltop Sub…

I have a temporary steel 23 inch wide, 18 inch tall, 12 foot long bridge to span the Sparta cut…

And, hopefully, have a few more things done around the layout… :slight_smile:

pssssst: DavidR… check the mail… I sure hope those two pennies don’t fall out of the envelope… :slight_smile:

Well, it IS looking good. Can’t wait to see it again. Pictures really don’t do it justice.

If nothin else, you’ll get plenty of exercise following your train around that layout if your batteries don’t run down first…:wink:

Comin along nicely, Andy…

:slight_smile: thanks

Bruce Chandler said:
Pictures really don't do it justice.
I'm sure of that!!!! Andy, Thanks for the 2 cents!! Your RR is incredible so far!!! ;)

Any progress Pop??

Just minor stuff, lining a drainage dry creek, putting in more ballast… It ain’t rained, so, guess I need to water in the ballast… Hope to be putting down track this weekend…

Andy Clarke said:
Just minor stuff, lining a drainage dry creek, putting in more ballast... It ain't rained, so, guess I need to water in the ballast.... Hope to be putting down track this weekend....
Do you have a goal for the amount of trackage you intend to lay this weekend? ;)

DavidR, I hope to get the Woodlawn interchange in and the EVWR brachline in, to the interchange… The EVWR branch line is a mainline and a siding, up to just before the switches for the interchange… I have a box and a half of AML track for the EVWR branch line… <hope that’s enough>. If there’s not enough track, then the mainline will be in, and part of the siding… The BS mainline is Aristo Track… Also, want to get the BS Hilltop Mainline in… I have 2 Boxes of Aristo 5 ft straight track, and 2 & 1/2 boxes of 20 ft curve…

Today was mowing day… only takes 6 hours… :slight_smile: