June 1 & 2 is the next scheduled Ops session… Weather doesn’t look good… Thunderstrorms & severe weather is projected for today and Saturday… Sunday is projected to be nice…
Time will tell…
June 1 & 2 is the next scheduled Ops session… Weather doesn’t look good… Thunderstrorms & severe weather is projected for today and Saturday… Sunday is projected to be nice…
Time will tell…
Fair weather railroaders? I don’t think so. Bringing my mucllucks, actually sandals this time of year.
Throw a couple of cables over the top of that RV and tie it down. We don’t want to find you and Jan somewhere in Kansas.
Stay safe guys. Hope the weather holds for some running.
Ops session is over… Sat started slow, as we had just under 2 inches of rain Thursday, and Just over 2 Inches of rain friday night and sat morning…
Saturday, we ran about 6-7 trains, including the setup trains…
Sunday, we worked 17 trains and 3 collection trains…
Saturday’s Ops didn’t get started to a little after 2 pm, because of weather and water puddles everywhere… Sunday’s Ops was wonderful, even had some sunshine…
Will get pictures posted when I can… Jane did manage to take a couple of pictures…
We’re gettin the rain now…
I presume the session is still on for this coming weekend?
Yup, this coming weekend is another operating session… noon till 5, Sat & Sunday, 10 and 11 August…
I’ll be there, and I’m actually going to make sure the locomotive runs -before- leaving home this time…
Bringing this back the top, Because the October Session is scheduled for 12 and 13 October, noon till 5 ish…