Large Scale Central

Bluestone Southern's proposed 2013 Ops session schedule

This coming year, Jane and I are going to try to have an operating session 4 times during the year… The dates listed below will be the weekends for the ““Ops Sessions””…

April 13 & 14, 2013
June 1 & 2, 2013
August 10 & 11, 2013
Oct 12 & 13, 2013

Sessions will start at Noon, each day…

Like always, dates are subject to change… If they do change, we’ll try and offer as much advanced notification as we can…

Looking forward to them Andy

Don’t know about the first 3, but I’ll try to get to the last one, if the good Lord’s willin and the crik don’t rise. And hopefully I can drag Bart’s butt along with me…:wink:

Ahh, the social calendar is fillng for the year, already. It always is enjoyable and sometimes educational.

Geeee…I might make more than one work schedule and funds depending…

Bringing this to the top, because this is scheduled for next weekend…

Getting more locomotives ready, along with a batch of freight cars…

We expect a report on this with plenty of pix.

Are you going to use the same operating scheme you used the last time or are you going to try using the RailOps program?

Ken, basically the same scheme as last time… The change will be with longer trains… I now have 9 aristo 2 bay hoppers, which will be the ““Interchange”” fodder for Woodlawn’s Interchange… That free’s up 4 more 50 ft boxcars… Also, I have 6 50 ft boxcars and 4 50 ft refeers to include in the operation… Also, I have a few more locomotives set up to run…

Can’t make the first one but would like to make at least one sometime…

Bernie Alsbrook said:

Can’t make the first one but would like to make at least one sometime…

Bernie, would be great to have you yall, anytime… :slight_smile:

I’m thinking I might be allowed to come in October…

The dates we picked in October unfortunately fall on the Canadian Thanksgiving… Need to look more closely at the calender next time…

Bruce Chandler said:

I’m thinking I might be allowed to come in October…

Yea, we’re pondering October too

Andy Clarke said:

The dates we picked in October unfortunately fall on the Canadian Thanksgiving… Need to look more closely at the calender next time…

Does that mean you’ll be changing the dates for this year?

Andy…I would really like to attend your Fall operation, but…due to having to depend on other’s transportation; I doubt that I can make it. My heart is with you, and I wish I could contribute to your success…keep up the great work…my best to your great partner, Jane…


Bruce, The direct answer is NO, we’re not changing the dates in October… It has been considered, however, Doug has stated that he’s going to try and make the June Ops session…

Novemeber to me seems a tad late in the season, so Jane and I decided on October, hoping for a little warmer weather… Of course, either Oct or Nov’s weather are always unpredictable…

This weekend was working out all the kinks from the railroad ““wintering””… For the most part, it held up good… The new areas that were installed last fall reguired the most time… Everything is still settling… This usually takes about 2 years…

Ric & Jan came down yesterday, and helped by working their butt’s off… Jane and I have been working on things all day… Railroads looking pretty good…

Storms expected tonight and early tomorrow, then again on Tuesday night and Wednesday… That should settle things, and leave thursday evening and friday evening for any serious touch ups required…

Need to re-write all the train loads… Got a few more cars ready, so am going to increase train lengths…

Can I come?

Andy Clarke said:

Bruce, The direct answer is NO, we’re not changing the dates in October… It has been considered, however, Doug has stated that he’s going to try and make the June Ops session…

Oh sure…you say that now, and then you’ll change the dates on me. :wink:

I guess either way I show up. :smiley:

Boomer Keel said:

If Rooster gets to go I want to go to!!!

Uhm…just exactly where is this?


Nashville, Illinois…just a bit east of St. Louis Missouri…;

Ken Brunt said:

Boomer Keel said:

If Rooster gets to go I want to go to!!!

Uhm…just exactly where is this?


Nashville, Illinois…just a bit east of St. Louis Missouri…;

And not to be found via Google or MapQuest. If you go past the big barn, you’ve gone too far. :wink: