Large Scale Central

Bluestone Southern - First track laid

Well, after a few years of landscaping and moving dirt, building retaining walls, etc., etc., the first tracks were laid… Ric helped lay the track on a friday and sat with me, and he has some shots posted in the General Discussion forum.

I have added some pictures and comments at MyLargeScale, Track, trestles & bridges forum…

I will try and supply a link here…

Hope it works…

Looking good, Andy. I love the long sidings and big expansive runs… got a trackplan yet?

Contrat’s Andy. Looks like you’ve got a good start. Do keep us posted on your progress…with LOTS of pictures…:slight_smile:

Bob McCown said:
Looking good, Andy. I love the long sidings and big expansive runs.... got a trackplan yet?
Bob, I do have a somewhat idea of the trackplan... not much down on paper, as the majority of it is in my head... :)

Not sure if you can follow, but: from “Sudden Drop Bridge”, the track will go out to the tree lin in the background, then go left and cross the other waterway… it comes back, to where the skids of retating wall bricks are on the skids in the grass, and crosses back over the waterway to the other retainingwall there, then goes left to right, under itself, and out to the right, to the 20 ft temp bridge…

Basically, it will be a huge figure 8 for a mainline circle… At the 20 temp bridge, the line splits, and there my branchline starts and it will run right to left, around the retaining walls, and an interchage will be will be down on the far left retaining wall, then run back to the trees, and loop back to the front, cross under the line from “Sudden Drop Bridge”", and run back to the trees on the right side, and dead end…

Most of what I just said, you can see in the first picture on the posting… Sudden drop bridge is just behind me in that picture, running from my left to right, as I am standing in that picture…

If i get a plan on paper, small enough to fit on here, I will post it…

From the window into the basement, to Sudden drop bridge is approx 50 feet…

Warren, thanks…

I like that first pic in your link, Andy. It looks as though the conversation should go something like this:

Ric, with his hands out: “But why me?”

Andy: “'Cause I’m the boss!”

Jan, scratching her head: “Yup, that’s Andy.”

:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Warren, come 3 & 4 Nov, at Ric’s Operating session, Ric and I will be in the reverse roles…

I’ll be asking, ““why me??””
and he’ll be telling me ““Cause I’m the boss””

However Jan will still be saying ““Yup, that’s Andy””


Either Ric or you should have a session back to back with Marty’s. That’s the only way I’ll ever be able to make any of those sessions…:frowning: Just can’t afford too many trips anywhere. I consider myself lucky I can make it to Marty’s.

We need a StarGate system. Or Amtrak passes. Either way…

Warren Mumpower said:
Either Ric or you should have a session back to back with Marty's. That's the only way I'll ever be able to make any of those sessions...:( Just can't afford too many trips anywhere. I consider myself lucky I can make it to Marty's.
I'm not saying it can't be done, but we put a lot of energy into going to Marty's and enjoying it. That's Marty's weekend and it shouldn't be diluted. Right now, we have the KVRwy event twice a year in the spring and fall. As layouts grow, we will gladly give up one of those to participate in someone else's. We visited another GGRC layout last month and really didn't get pictures to give it justification. Denny and Karen Karner have created a beautiful layout in the woods. Totally different from the BS (that's Bluestone Southern) and the KVRwy. We've all learned from everybody that has shared their railroads with us. What great fun.

I don’t know if there is enough time and money for any one to visit all of the layouts. That is what is so great about these forums. We get to share, see and learn without traveling for two days, one way. Okay, imagine trying to get a large fleet of battery powered radio controlled trains on a plane. Say 5 or more guys traveling to one guy’s layout. Someone looking like JJ. Stan taking pictures of everything. Marty running a mile a minute about his latest innovation. Bob McCowen saying, “I can do that”. Friar Fred babbling, “Bless You my son” Bart sitting quietly in the corner contemplating his next modification. Carl Vogel playing the tuba. Ken saying, “Let’s go”. This tain’t gonna happen. Hell, I can scare myself thinking about it.

I can just see the GS-4 TSA guys trying to make sense of it all, and then, with unerring accuracy, jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Oh, the horror.

Oh, the humanity.

My lovely bride had enough trouble trying to explain two Lionel locomotives to the TSA guy…


I have to agree with Ric's comment's there....    Marty has a very special event going on in Sept, and there is no way, that I would even think of trying to piggy-back onto his event... 

I have been in all the past marty event pictures, with the exception of the first event that had pictures posted on MLS...   It is a nice, unique, family style, train talking, train running  get together, that I do believe is thoroughly enjoyed by anyone that has been to one...   I can't imagine anyone going to marty's and not enjoying the event and the people...

Marty, Carrie & family are one of a kind, and going the thier event is dear to my heart, it's always most enjoyable..

Besides, I’m old, it will take me a few years to get the rest of the track in…

I’m old too…but I can still dream. And I know it’s just a dream but sometimes living on the left coast makes a guy feel left out. So much going on in the Eastern half of the USofA and hardly jack worth anything happening large scale wise out here in the West that’s not commercialized. Shucks, there’s hardly anything worth anything that’s even commercialized.

Ric, that airport picture you just painted is darn right scary. They’d take one look and we’d all get 20 years each. Besides, hell will freeze over before any baggage handler or TSA agent even is allowed to look at my trains and R/C stuff let alone handle it. Yup, it’s a long drive to anywhere.

Steve Featherkile said:
I can just see the GS-4 TSA guys trying to make sense of it all, and then, with unerring accuracy, jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Oh, the horror.

Oh, the humanity.

Then there is the Canadian Border Patrol…Gee Ken…mebbe we should have put the beer and smokes in with the locomotives…THEY didn’t get a comment…

Bart Salmons said:

Steve Featherkile said:
I can just see the GS-4 TSA guys trying to make sense of it all, and then, with unerring accuracy, jumping to the wrong conclusion. Oh, the horror. Oh, the humanity.

Then there is the Canadian Border Patrol…Gee Ken…mebbe we should have put the beer and smokes in with the locomotives…THEY didn’t get a comment…

Yea, but I get plenty of strange looks explaining the Invasion Weekend…

Ken Brunt said:
Yea, but I get plenty of strange looks explaining the Invasion Weekend…

You gotta hide that Kaintucky rifle better, me old son. It’s only 190 years or so since the last hostile incursion hereabouts … :wink: