Or is that collecting bills? Unfortunately NOT the ones with pictures of dead presidents on.
We were doing so well, too. Then 6 months ago my GF got fired for something she DIDN’T do, my hours were cut, and everything went to hell…
Nothing like having your ex take the kids to the doctor, the dentist, the opthamologist, the chiropractor, etc, then have them send YOU the bill for the co-pay, new glasses or whatever. Add to that the “surprise” huge bills from the phone company, cable company, ISP that are inexplicably so much higher than the saleslady said they’d be…
Then the few credit cards I had with that “insurance” option on them – where if you lose your job, they’ll make the payments… but it seems if your hours are simply cut in HALF they don’t pay sh#t…(And what sense does it make to add a HUGE fee on top of what the guy owes when he’s a bit short to pay the FIRST amount? Kind of like threatening to put a guy in jail for not paying, like he’s gonna make MORE money in there?)
Steal big the gubmint bails you out. Try to do what’s right and…
Trying to be funny, here. Gallows humor is too truthful to laugh at, I guess.
“Don’t hit a man when he’s down, – Kick him, it’s easier…” (Dave Allen)