Coming up sooner than the southeast show, anyone going? Been trying to some entries ready for the model contest!
I know there many others from other websites along with LCS that will attend. I will probably go as my grandson is interested but if I don’t shake this cold/flu pretty soon, going on for three weeks now, I’ll be happy to be there. I’m usually out by the live steam setup most of the time.
This will be the last one I will attend as it is just getting to be too much hassle and we have other plans working for next year so this one is it.
It has been very good over the years and one of the best shows I have ever been to barring none.
Well no other bites, guess I’ll see you there Darryl!
Looks like I can’t go due to other considerations. My grandson will be visiting here as planed but not the Big Show. Guess we will have to go up to see the ol’ sea salt in Seeattle during his stay. NO stogies tho but make mine Guinness Stout.
Vic, there will be lots of folks to chat with at the show and loads of fun…