Large Scale Central

Big Train Show, Ontario Ca June 6-7 2015

Just a reminder the BTS is next month for those of us in the SoCal area, I’ll be in the same corner I was last year, annoying the sales presentations and being driven deaf by the Del Oro sound effects on vol 11, in other words, the same fun time as last year

This year I’ll bring the Mik’s Challenge Rocket Express project both days, maybe another few micro surprises for Saturday.

My Railroads are on the June 5th Bus tour but they are also open all day for anyone to visit. I’m in Fontana not far from the Convention hall and can give directions if anyone wants to stop by.

This is a shameless plug for the the Thursday, June 4th garden railway tours. Those taking the bus ride will see five of the nicest garden railroads in Orange County. All railroads are owned and operated by members of the Orange County Garden Railway Society.

Vic and Sue Thies Too Much Fun Railway is modeled after the Bryce Canyon with the “stonework” taken from actual pictures. About a dozen trains run through the railroad, patio, and house.

From there it is off to our Tortoise and Lizard Bash Railway. This railroad won the Garden Railways Magazine competition for railways that primarily run diesel power and is featured in the 30th Anniversary Edition.

After lunch, Harald Becker’s Orange Coast and Glacial Speed railway offers true 20.3:1 modeling through the Rockies. Again, the “stonework” is spectacular.

From there, riders go to Jere and Susan Edwards true garden railway. This was a formal garden that later had the railroad added. The railroad separates the garden into the different planting areas and provides motion amonst the “still life”

Finally, guests will take in Gary and Susan Johnson’s Johnson Valley and Twin Falls Railway. Again, another masterpiece in faux stone with lots of action and a really cool control room that has just been completed.

Note that all railroads have undergone further modification since these videos were taken.


So who is going to the “Big Train Show”?

For the first time in a million years, I’m not sure if I am going to attend or not…we will see.

We had a very nice bus load of people come to the Tortoise & Lizard Bash Railroad on the BTS tour today. Everyone loved the railroad and many wives were being “swayed,” some with plans of their own.

Went to the show today and overall it was a very fun event. Not many deals to be found but the bargain table had a few nice items. One was a nice accucraft D&RGW long caboose for $125 that maybe sat on the table about 5 seconds after it was set out. The other was a very well detailed coaling tower, I asked the price and I was told $25, I said I would take it. Another person hearing the price ran over to it, picked it up and said he was buying it making it very clear he was not putting it down. I just let it go as I knew he wanted to fight over it. After that we just wanted around looking at the layouts. I did find a firebox flicker unit for my K-36, that made the trip worth it for me. :slight_smile:

As with Bob (above), I attended Saturday - arriving @ 10 AM.

There were four familiar product mfgs - PIKO, USA, Accucraft, and Bachmann. If LGB were present, I missed them.

I met with Vic and enjoyed the responses to his very compact and well-detailed whimsical circular layout. The Southern California gold mine of LGB trains was present as expected as BRIDGEMASTERS dominated the rolling stock sales with their 50’ long array of tables stuffed with locos, tankers, cattle cars, and assorted cabooses. It was obvious, at least to me (who else?) that the crowd at these tables had made admission to the show singular and they had boxes in hand.

The layouts were S, N (at least two), G (Del Oro and other small product demo layouts), HO (three at least) and what appeared to be the replica tinplate
standard gauge popular in the thirties - with track wider than “G”.

In hopes BIG Train Show staff may be reading this: Not many children and little sign of family attendance. This reinforces my concern that we are not drawing curious families into the hobby. Charging $9 to park and $10-12 to enter per adult, doesn’t invite a family to give the show a try taking the risk of children’s disinterest after 10 minutes. So 90% attending were once again males. Contrast this to a free event in a city-owned public place instead of a convention hall with big buck rental requirements. Evidence is RR Days in Fullerton with over 30,000 attending - at least 30% were kids and families. Free parking and admission. 50 vendors and exhibits who paid.


I also noticed very few kids or families. The guy that brings his ride-on train to a lot of local events just sat with few people even giving him a look. If you where in the buying area both my wife and I noticed a very aggressive rude attitude from a lot of people, not all but more than you may think. Its odd that people that are mostly very nice turn aggressive at a selling show.

There were kids next to me, the OERM folks set up a Brio wooden train set and they were very well attended.

Saturday is usually the hobby folks day, its when the vendors sell most stuff. Sunday is the family day.

I noticed that unlike past show, there were a lot more layouts and fewer vendors. It used to be about 50/50% floor area layouts to vendors, today it was more like 75/25%. I hope the vendors that showed make enough profit to come back next year.

I thought there were plenty of deals to be had and bought a “new” A/C FB for $100. And that was only typical.

I saw some kids and gave my four spare tickets to a family as we were leaving.

I think some of the problems vendors have is most are not willing to lower prices other than a few select items that are “Show Specials”, Gold Coast does a nice job but the others want close to retail. I asked one guy about a accucraft tank car with a lot of broken details, I figured it could be a cheap fixer-upper but when he said its $100 I just thanked him and moved on

I have never been to that show, but I have seen what you are saying at other shows. And when LGB was not producing any product, some vendors wanted a fortune for anything LGB. But the thing that really annoys me at the shows I have been to, is when a vendor displays the product, but doesn’t put a price tag on it. How am I to know if I am willing to pay the price, if I do not know what the price is?

I can say that the guys at Del Oro are amazing. Friendly and you can ask them any question and they are happy to answer it. These guys get it and are the class of the show in my opinion.

Whew! I’m exhausted! Was packed and loaded up and on the road by 5, now unloaded and had some dinner I can reflect a little on the show. I felt Sunday was actually a little busier at midday than Saturday, but it tapered off fast at the end of the day. It was all mostly families out for a day. Some of the vendors look like they did really well by the empty spaces on their tables by end of Sunday. I guess will know if organizers announce next years show in a few weeks. The Mik’s Challenge was a big hit but if I used fresh batteries it was so fast it derailed! So I had to keep one low battery in it to keep the speed down.

Now, swag! Not much though I was sorely tempted. I picked up two very small cars, a Lil Hauler car from Hans, a few figures and a NIB MDC powered speeder, which is something I’ve wanted since before the Mik’s Challenge as I needed one for my original project choice for the challenge but I could not find one. So now I have a summer summer project :smiley:

I also got a surprise from Greg Elmassian, two USA ore cars I’ll put to good use on the harbor layout, Thanks Greg

And again a BIG thanks to Bob and Sandra Baxter, who manned the pizza so I could eat and get some relief. Being a one person crew hashas some definite drawbacks so Thanks again. Your lifesavers.

I applied for the GTE in Pomona in July but I’m having second thoughts, between the the two Anaheim shows and Ontario, the layout’s taking a beating. I need to figure out a way to get it around safer and with less damage each show. Pomona can be a real headache to get in and out of if they don’t let you load right outside. Plus I want to fix up the layouts wear and tear so I may pass on it until next year in Anaheim again. I’ll decide soon.

My son Jonathan and I attended the show (our first time) on Saturday and we both had a great time. Vic, I met you towards the end of the day when our friend Mel introduced us. Your layout is really great!! I’ve been wanting to come to the show for the past few years but this time of year makes it tough for a high school teacher. My one disappointment was the fact that the bus tours were during the work week which made it impossible for me to attend. And coming from Reedley (Fresno) area makes the trip an event with hotel stay, etc.

I spent a little $$ with Hans as well as Bridge Masters and I wish I had a ton more because there some really nice things…maybe next year. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of large scale items for sale and layouts on display.

But I walked away energized to continue work our Redwood Creek and Tallulah Ridge RR despite the heat…and I am hopeful to be able to return next year.
