Large Scale Central

Big Train Show - If anyones goin'

Just wondering if anyones going to the BTS this year in Ontario, be sure to stop by the other places booth and say hi, Funny thing is that I cant find my MLS badge, so I’ll be sportin’ the LSC badge… Hehehe!

I’ll post pics of the show, I’ll be there on Saturday and will give an update, I’m most curious if a certain unmentionable company will show or not, should be some interesting conversations if they do.

Definitely want to see the piccies. I won’t be near the place…besides, I’m having a big yard sale this weekend. :confused: As for the “unmentionable company” being at the show, don’t hold your breath. I don’t think they are in a position to want to answer questions…


I just rechecked the exhibitors list and “the company that shall remain nameless”…

…is NOT on the exhibitors list :open_mouth:

I guess that answers that!

So it goes. When you think about it, how can they be…they don’t really exist, anymore.

Steve Featherkile said:
So it goes. When you think about it, how can they be...they don't really exist, anymore.
Steve, the company on this side of the big water is still there, I think they're just hold up in the bunker, waiting for "next week"

My Grandpa always said - “If you think you are so important, stick your hand in a bucket of water and notice the big hole that is left when you pull it out.”

Life does go on. I hope you guys enjoy the show.

So did anybody enjoy the show? We didn’t go this year and we were less than an hour away!

Doug Arnold said:
So did anybody enjoy the show? We didn't go this year and we were less than an hour away!
Interesting - may we inquire as to why you couldn't be bothered?

Sure. I didn’t have anything against them but I figured with the cost of admission for my wife and I and for parking I could buy a car at my favorite train shop!

Simply… It was great! Wide aisles, great lighting, air conditioning, easy parking, no flipping stairs! It actually looked smaller cause we were all spread out, but I was told that every stall sold out by showtime, vendors sold more than they did at the QM, it was much easier to take stuff to your car and come back for more. Even the food venues were better, you didnt have to go searching 10 decks away for a hot dog, it was right there inside the expo hall. Vendors who stayed away said they were sorry they did and would be back next year. live steam guys had a big tent so they didnt roast in the sun like usual at the QM. I’m sure next years will be bigger. Most pics I took came out blurry, camera wasnt quite right that day. But I got a couple I’ll post. these are the only ones that dont look I bypassed light speed and went straight to plaid! this was on the Del Oro layout which was there biggest setup ever, a sandlot game and each player would slowly turn like the players were watching each other

Over at Bob Baxter and Don Gage’s Door Hollow SHortline, Don had built a new steam derrick crane which was a huge hit

This mine was newly added as was the newly triple guaged upper lever!

They also added 3 small angled sections that make the layour “embrace” the crowd, it was really nice!

De-wights really cool new live steamer

Here you can see the big tent the live steamers were in

and my one vanity shot, I was able to run my “stomper” inspecton car, I discovered it had a small wobble as it rolled down the track and was really fun to watch.

The only down was that this was the first BTS that I didnt come away with a great deal find, all I got were figures and detail parts. It was defintly the “Year Of The BIG Trains” with Big Boys all over the place. I didnt see very much aimed at the small layout operator, B’mann had its Porter on display but no one I saw was selling any, one other that some second hand Stainzs for sale, but other than that… Zip! I found one vendor who had the worlds last Accucraft Porter, but when I went back to inquire, it was gone. I got a good close up of the new brass 0-4-0 Falk gypsy engine, it was extremely nice. But thats it, no deals this time for me

Thanks, Vic. Looks like it was fun for all. That’s the most I’ve seen of Dwight’s locomotive other than what he uses in his sig line. Didn’t Bob Baxter make a similar locomotive some years back?

Warren Mumpower said:
Thanks, Vic. Looks like it was fun for all. That's the most I've seen of Dwight's locomotive other than what he uses in his sig line. Didn't Bob Baxter make a similar locomotive some years back?
Yep, Bob had it there this year at the Door Hollow Shortline as well, his is electric.