Large Scale Central


At our club module event at the Arizona Railway Museum last weekend I was running a train on battery power, and decided to swap out the locomotives. Also on the same loop, John S. Was running on track power, I stopped my train on the back side and John stopped his on the front side , nearest to the public and in front of the diorama’s of Winslow and Flagstaff.
After linking them I notched up and at about 35 scale mph the train went around the corners toward the front .
As I watched I heard Club member yell PETE!!! And the tail of the train came to a sudden stop ! D’oh!!! No major damage , one broken H&L coupler and a step on my F3. I blame myself completely for forgetting the train was on the same track, the good thing is the Blue and Yellow SF loco at the far end on the inner loop was able to stop before adding to the mess. Oh well these things ( and more) happen occasionally, feel bad my train ran over John’s .
The empty track is just a siding to park stuff, not one of the through loops .

I have run at the club meets with both track and battery power. I’m battery power only so this does require that paying attention is required by all engineers. For myself I feel I have to pay more attention to my engine and running it as I’m in complete control of my train and track powered engines do run under a system that can cause problems on the track. This I find is the engineer just lets there train run and in many cases does not pay as much attention to the running as they should. Running blind is never a good thing as you can see what can happen, but it’s just toys, so have fun.

What a pile up! Hopefully no oil spilled by the bandstand. :grin:

Time to call RJ Corman

Were any 1:24 (or thereabouts) people injured? If not, breath easy, because no “G”-scale lawyers (with x/~24 mil lawsuits) will be showing up.


Discount company 5 Finger Crane & Rigging was called, RJ Corman and Hulcher we both otherwise occupied or wouldn’t return my call!
Cliff, there was one guy within inches of getting smushed, the fool just stood there and didn’t run.
Todd, the cars were empty but as a precaution we restricted 1/24 people to stay in place and not to wander closer than they were.
And I’m getting an award at the next meeting… yay me!:joy:


I suppose you could say this is all my fault but I truly suspect “it is” your’s, you’re’s UR’s this time !

Ewe, you, eww, yore you’re you are right Rooster,( not his real name) I forgot John was on my track and took off without telling him, at least the 1/34 scale plastic model tanks that he detailed didn’t get smashed in this incident

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That is just a hiccup.
Wait till one of your engines hits the concrete floor. :frowning_face: :zipper_mouth_face:

That would not be an ooops, that would be expletives, curses and blasphemy’s !!!

Been there, done that. Ran a Bachmann 45 tonner into the abyss after leaving a lift-out bridge up. Was able to salvage all but the frame which is why to this day M-10 is unique with silver stripes on a black frame.