Large Scale Central

Best sources for 3d printer fillament

I just unboxed my 3d printer. I had bought some filament with it but it has yet to arrive. I see thru reading the instructions the need to calibrate to the actual filament size before printing. so is it best to stay with the manufactures brands for consistent size thru the reel, or is the stuff available on e-bay just as good?

Al P.

What printer did you get? Are you going to use ABS or PLA

I have been using filament that I buy from Amazon. I have used the ABS and PLA from Hatchbox it sells for about $26/kg. This brand of filament hasn’t given me any problems. I have tried some of the $19/kg brands but the Hatchbox seems to have a more consistent quality.

The printers I have are the XYZ Da Vinici printer and CNC mill that I made a print head for,


I bought the Lutzbot 4, primarily for the build platform size. Better resolution models at cheaper prices available but I have one part I need to be one piece that is almost the full bed length. the stuff I have coming is from amazon, looks like I will get it Tuesday finally.


I just looked up the Lutzbot 4. The print area is huge for a 3D printer.

Post some of your projects I would like to see your work. Learning what you can print and how to orient the parts to get the best quality takes some effort.

I have a PRR I1 Decapod on the burner.
