Large Scale Central

Bent and twisted track

I bought some Aristo code 332 (the big stuff) from Ridge Road several years ago. It was just a few pieces and UPS apparently had one of their larger employees sit on the package. The track arrived bent and twisted, not a lot but enough that I couldn’t use it.

I called Ridge Road and they graciously replaced the order at their cost but unfortunately shipped through the same UPS facility and it was handled by the same employee.

I have two 3’ sections and two 2’ sections of gently twisted and bent Aristo brass track. I would be willing to trade for a new Bachmann C-19 or to send it to someone gratis if that someone has a purpose other than “throw it in the junk box” which they would be willing to explain to me.

I will pay reasonable shipping and ship through a different facility. Or maybe I will pack it upside down and find the guy who will sit on it bending it back to pristine shape.

I didn’t put this in the classifieds because it really doesn’t stand up to classifieds standards.

If no one offers a trade I would like them please. I am going to be starting an outside layout and any track would help. I am sure I could get them straightened out reasonably as I do IT work for a company with a machine shop. I have to be supervised of course, a computer guy in a machine shop could be dangerous!!!

Thanks for thinking about it!

Hey Jeff

I wasn’t really expecting a trade, specially for a new loco.

Send me a message with your shipping address and it’s a deal. If nothing else you will be able to get a couple of short straight pieces out of them.

Good luck and thanks to anyone else who might be interested, post away and if for any reason Jeff’s deal falls through, I go on down the list.


Jeff Walls said:

I do IT work for a company with a machine shop. I have to be supervised of course, a computer guy in a machine shop could be dangerous!!!

Not as dangerous as a machinist in a server room :smiley:

I’m curious of your trade offer. a few pieces of damaged track for quite expensive (and high demand loco? I don’t have one to offer, nor am I in need of track. Just curious.

Hey it doesn’t hurt to ask.

You apparently didn’t read all of my post, or even much of it. Reading posts in their entirety is a valuable skill.

You failed to notice a second deal in my original post where I offer the track gratis (for free) and offer to pay the shipping. I think that is generous.

What do you think?

I got the humor…I think what the internet needs most is a ‘sarcasm font’.

Sometimes this symbol works…


Or this…


Of course if it was LGB track I’d trade you for a Bachmann 2-8-0 in a New York minute!


“reasonable” shipping…

i’m afraid, that let’s me out of the picture.

but for whoever ends up with that track:

just slide the rails out of the tiewebs, lie each rail on a flat surface, take a small (!) hammer, best with a roundish head, and give the rail light taps, where it does not touch the surface.

if you tapped too hard, put the lower side up and tap again.

doing that with all four sides you won’t need long, to have a perfectly straight rail (provided your surface is really flat)

Korm, thanks for the comments, Jeff is getting the track as he was the first to respond. We had to haggle a bit as he thought a new C-19 was a little to rich so we split the difference and he is sending me a C-9.5

(Just joking Jon)

so, what do you get? the front end or the cabin end?

CCSII said:

Korm, thanks for the comments, Jeff is getting the track as he was the first to respond. We had to haggle a bit as he thought a new C-19 was a little to rich so we split the difference and he is sending me a C-9.5

(Just joking Jon)

I’m sorry; I did read the entire post - 3 times and I didn’t get the humor. Glad you found a home for your twisty track. If he can’t get it straight perhaps it could be used for a roller coaster :]


It’s a good thing I’m not a writer! No problem at all, I should have asked to trade for a full scale C-19! Those Bachmanns do look real nice.

As far as roller coasters go, my hand layed track is close enough.


Would never cut one of those in half, I will get to run it on even number days and Jeff will get to run it on odd number days.