Large Scale Central

Been Missing my Trains and this website!

Finally retired after this past school year and 32 years of teaching. I am really hoping to get seriously back into my Redwood Creek and Tallulah Ridge garden railroad and the many projects I have in my brain. It’s just too bad Central California is experiencing one the hottest Julys in history…no bueno going outside for too long. So, planning to start a bunch of indoor projects under the safety of our AC.


Richard! Glad to have you back! What’s on your list of projects?

  1. The addition of a second mainline in order to run two trains independently.
  2. Remove an old pond liner under 3 redwoods and create a carnival scene complete with carousel, hot air balloon and all the fixin’s
  3. Create a mechanical system to lift the said hot air balloon up into the redwoods for a bit and then descend back down. And then back up again…and so on.
  4. Redesign the town of Little Paddocks in order to accommodate the new mainline.
  5. Add a loop at the opposite end of the layout for mine train.
  6. Build a connecting ramp from my train shed to the mainline in order to launch from the shed.
  7. Finish installing Railpro in my Bachmann Connie, 3-truck shay, and 2-truck shay. And a little LGB Porter that I’ll use for the mine train.
  8. Create a “Disney on Parade” using flat cars and the Disney play sets…the littles love it when Mickey and Minnie show up at our open houses.

If it wasn’t so hot I’d probably have all of this done by next Friday. :rofl:



I have just finished week 3 of recuperation from a quadruple hernia repair. Originally I went in for a double but the Dr. told my wife he found 4 big ones…I guess you “go big or go home”…so figure another 3 weeks before I get out and do anything serious. Hopefully that will allow the temps to cool off into the high 90s.


I seem to recall something like that, but I’m not sure who did it or where it was published/posted.

Maybe a closed loop of heavy fishing line, using pulleys and some sort of maintenance-free outdoor-friendly winch and sensors to tell it when to stop, pause and reverse?

Glad to see you again Richard!

Congratulations on your retirement, and speedy recovery. I retired this spring as well. We just bought a new travel trailer and hope to do a 3/4 cross country trip in the fall.

Hey Cliff,

Yeah, that was me probably about a year ago. I haven’t done anything about it except give it some brain time. I need to go back in the archives and search. I remember someone mentioning the LGB tram unit as a beginning.

Thank Jon,

We also bought a travel trailer a little over a year ago but haven’t had the chance to use it except 1 time as a family and a few for me individually during some Boy Scout events. My wife the caretaker of her parents who are in their early 90s so it’s been difficult to justify being gone for too long. We might do a few nights over at the coast or something. But, I’m looking forward to not having to teach every day…I loved what I did and I loved my students, so don’t get me wrong. But, my wife has been retired from teaching for 3 years. It’s time for us to have some us time…even if its at home with our backyard and garden railroad.

Hello Richard , saw you last year at the convention several times but never got the chance to introduce myself. That’s a big list of to do’s . Take it easy til the Dr says it’s ok , don’t want to do that surgery thing again!

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Oh man, I 'm sorry we didn’t connect. Hopefully one day it will happen. Now that I’m retired I can look forward to attending a few more events that might be scheduled during the regular school year.

I have been trying to take it easy…just finished week 3 of not doing too much. Still a little uncomfortable here and there as things heal. I’ve learned to love frozen peas. :rofl:

I’m currently wrapping up a few Railpro conversions for a fellow club member that have been on the bench for a year…