Large Scale Central

Bear Flatts Railroad- Revamped

Thanks John! Lots of work to go. But is sure is fun, I just cant wait to get some trains back on the track…

matt, good work… :slight_smile:

Alright enough with this dirt! Hardly any showing now, woohoo! But it was one of those days… apparently flagstone is still soft, even in large rock form. As I was carrying about 100 pound rock the end broke off and the remaining (93 lbs) came down on my arm. It looked like I was drug down a street and got a bunch of road rash. Here is my upper arm, and here is the rock that did it, with the hole from me dropping it right after lol.



Got most of the ground covered today with another ton of gravel. Got the yard finished, used some ideas from puzzles and different small layout ideas.




Most of my locos are minimum of 8 foot diameter curve, and most of my large locos are really no good for switching. And a lot of the switches in the yard are small radius lgb switches. So obviously, the accucraft and large bachmann locos will not make the switches. So as far as the yard power goes, I will have a designated switcher. My always reliable LGB Mogul will handle the task. I need to refit a working coupler to the pilot through the plow.

Whew…you missed the track! Thats prototypical to have designated switchers…and contrary to popular belief in Outdoor railroading…every locomotive does not have to be able to negotiate every piece of track… I too have mainliners and switchers…and actually just aquired another locomotive that can do both…


Thank God! That’s the same thing I was thinking, after I dressed my wound ha ha.

I will also use "handles"for switching with my larger locos.


Idler cars are prototypical too!

Hell, rub some dirt in it after spitting on it with tobacco juice, if the blood didn’t fill your shoe, its just a splinter. You’ve got a railroad to build. Strong backs, weak minds and all that stuff.

Ha ha ha, heck ya!

When I texted the lady a picture of the “battle scar” she said I should take the rest of the day off. HA!

And I think my decision of what I would do shows in the pictures :slight_smile:

Hey Matt,

Where ever you place that large piece of rock should be named “Skinner’s …” something, to commemorate that rock.

Bob C.

Bob Cope said:
Hey Matt,

Where ever you place that large piece of rock should be named “Skinner’s …” something, to commemorate that rock.

Bob C.

Good idea. And it need not be subtle. After all, there is a Wounded Knee :wink:

I like it!

Maybe Ill put a cabin or little shack up on it and call it Skinner’s place or something :slight_smile:

Very nice work! thanks for sharing.


Okay, another day off, another day of g-scale trains. After yesterday’s “incident” i felt that today was a good day for setting up the town scene and yard. And surprise, I brought in my new bridge to take the place of the very plain girder bridge. Here are pics of the progress from today. I had my wedge plow gondola on the layout to double check all of my clearances, and all was well!













As you can see, the layout mascot “Bear” is occupying “Skinner Rock”! And the real life Bear made a guest appearance while I was taking the pictures. I am trying to set up as many scenes as possible through the layout. The logging loop is obviously my next step and that should be completed by the end of next week. I am going to extend the mountain out just as I did on the other side behind the town. I also have plans for a farm/ranch on the layout, so that will happen as soon as more “layout money” becomes available lol. Well I guess that’s it for the day, thanks for looking! Matt

Holy Cow! That is progress. Nice!

Matt, nice work, and quick, too… :slight_smile:

Whole lot of progress going on there Matt. Looking real good.

Hey guys thanks for the kind words. Withing a week I hope to have a working railroad