All ready for paint.
This is similar to the CN hopper, but different in many ways. Once painted, I’ll post some photos with the CN hopper.
All ready for paint.
This is similar to the CN hopper, but different in many ways. Once painted, I’ll post some photos with the CN hopper.
She’s a beauty Shane , looking forward to seeing the finished product . How long did it take you to build it ?
Thanks Mike. I started it three weeks ago after completing the SD40Qrm. I used my CN ballast hopper plans, and made mods as needed. This sped things up a lot. I think the only thing left for the work train is my caboose. I’m not sure when that will be complete.
Base coat complete. Starting to look like a rail car. (
That’s NICE!
You work fast Shane . I started my cars back in early February and they are still not done . What are you using for the end platforms ?
Shane Stewart said:
I think the only thing left for the work train is my caboose. I’m not sure when that will be complete.
I’ll give it 4 weeks
Thanks Chris.
Rooster, 4 weeks to finish the hopper. (
Mike, sometimes. I have 4 rotary gons, a caboose, 3 SD60f’s and an SD40-2w in different stages of construction. A few haven’t been touched in a year.
The end platforms are cut from roof walks I removed from my 50’ boxcars.
I really like this car, Shane. I’m getting to the same point of having a bunch of projects started but none completed. Opss…
Thanks John. Ya, in my case I don’t know what gets lost at times. It’s not that I don’t want everything complete. I’ve just lost the spark, or excitement, or whatever you want to call it. Once it returns, there’s a flurry of activity until I lose it again. (
Shane Stewart said:
Thanks John. Ya, in my case I don’t know what gets lost at times. It’s not that I don’t want everything complete. I’ve just lost the spark, or excitement, or whatever you want to call it. Once it returns, there’s a flurry of activity until I lose it again. (
Or the wife reminds you of the list …
The G scale list ?..……………(
New best friends. (
That is a mesmerizing way to see the entire build of this super nice car. Great job!