Large Scale Central

BBT 2-8-0

Good day, I have been poking around a while and decided to jump in and join the forum.

I am interested in upgrading a Bachmann 10 wheeler into a 2-8-0 narrow gauge loco. Does anyone have any before and after pictures of a BBT conversion that could share?

Thank you.

Casey welcome to the forum. Here is a picture of a BBT 2-8-0. I don’t have the before picture but it looked like any other Bmann 4-6-0. I will tell you this. Its the best running loco I have and it works so well that I’m getting ready to sell off all my LGB and go only with BBT conversions.


Hey Casey,

Sorry about the wreck, but I do think it was your fault. :wink:

Anyway, I have had to see Geoff’s engine run and also have run it for him. His BBT 2-8-0 is a smooth, well running piece of equipment. I have one of Barry’s 4-6-0 drives and it also runs great. l don’t think you will be dissapointed.

I am the proud owner of a brand spankin’ new Annie with the BBT 2-8-0 chassis under it. But I’m embarrassed to say it hasn’t even turned a wheel yet. Just sittin’ there waiting for me to get off my duff and finish the battery power conversion. Just can’t make up my mind on which system to use yet. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: That sucker is gonna’ be ready by next Spring for sure! Its gonna’ be a good’n!

Of cause you could make your own four-coupled chassis based on the Anniversary model.


You could.
But, it wouldna have an extruded aluminium chassis, ball bearings on load axles, double-lead worm with reduction, Pittman motor, and cast brass drivers with stainless tyres at 1-3/4" diametre, now, would it?

and your point is? If one is foolish enough to haul forty or fifty cars behind a narrow-gauge locomotive then he needs something with grunt and maybe a little research on the prototype. Barry’s drive is without doubt the best available for reliability and stamina.

    I have around twenty or so highly modified Annies that have had their drives carefully rebuilt and have so far proven to be extremely reliable,  but then I do not haul unprototypical consists or drag stock up ridiculous grades.  Just to be safe though, I have around five spare gearboxes in case the unexpected occurs.

Not unprototypical.
Just heavy.
I found even the Anniversaries not up to the task.
I have the motors and gears to prove it.

Welcome Casey. We do prefer real names around here with one notable exception above.
There are a few that choose to make up names but we tend to hunt them down and they are never heard from again :wink: .


Well, I don’t know what happened, but I posted a response to Casey and it didn’t take.


If you have any questions on the conversion, please let me know. There are some nice answers here from my customers and my dealer TOC (he also does my testing and makes my life a bit tougher. But, he is the best).

There are four versions of the 2-8-0, the first two are rigid chassis with SS siderods 1 3/4" brass and stainless wheels or 2" wheels. The Annie chassis has an equalized front axle with the two wheel size options. The order forms are on my website

Thank you all for the nice comments.

I should add that the drives are warranted for life, mine not yours. You pay the shipping in, I make the repairs, there are no charges if the repairs are not due to abuse or intentional damage, I pay the freight back to you. Earlier one customer had two locos knocked off of their rails during and earth quake, I made no charges, another was knocked off of a 7 ft overhead by his cats chasing a bird, I would have and should have charged more , but the only damage was to a broken rear hook.

Barry - BBT

Brian Donovan said:
Welcome Casey. We do prefer real names around here with one notable exception above. There are a few that choose to make up names but we tend to hunt them down and they are never heard from again ;) .


What’s this "we"stuff?

Bob sell the site to you or something?

Curmudgeon said:
What's this "we"stuff?
That would be everyone but the notable exception! :P


As long as we know who you are, we don’t care about real names or not. The only time its a problem is with an obvious troll hiding behind a nickname.

I do not answer any messages from anyone who does not use his real name…I just wonder what he/she/it, is trying to hide. I happen to know young Dave Goodson, so I will answer him.

I thought “Dave Goodson” was a nickname!

Funny, I know a guy with an almost identical name, Dave Goodsen… are they related?
