Large Scale Central

Battery Install and Speaker Movement in a Bachmann 3-Truck Shay

Outfitting my Bachmann 3-Truck Shay has been at snails pace largely due to my lack of confidence and hopefully not screwing things up.

Just today I finally played with fitting a larger 6700 mAh battery in the water tank but the old speaker is too big to allow it in. I have a smaller speaker that can work if I modify the speaker enclosure and move the speaker more forward towards the PCB

Just want your thoughts on this as I am having a hard time committing to anything. I really don’t want to go with a smaller 3500 mAh battery.

I appreciate any thoughts.


Where are the weights? I believe most folks just mount the battery atop one.

Without all the pieces being in front of me, it would be hard to tell you what to do. Batteries do come in other sizes and arrangements; you could even use two smaller batteries to get the power you want and they could be moved to a place that would work better inside the tanks, yes you have two tanks for all your electronic needs. Sounds like to me doing this is not in your comfort zone, I understand and you probably need someone else to look at it who has worked with installing systems in models. The Backmann 3 truck shay is a very popular model to add a different electronic system to the engine, like Rail Pro RC system and battery power. In many cases the tanks have bracing inside the tanks and this may have to be removed so the electronics will fit inside, a Dremel works great for this. I would go on YouTube and type in Bachmann 3 truck shay g scale with Rail Pro install, or maybe someone will have a video on this.

Thanks for the quick replies. I am replacing an old RCS America system that TOC sold me several years ago. I integrated the existing PCB in the oil bunker and I believe I had two 7.4 volt batteries NiMH in sequence for 14.8. They were more narrow and I used silicone to glue them at angles on the water tank lid.

I liked the video that Dan included and will go see if I can get things to fit that way.

I did give thought to installing two smaller batteries in the water tank much like having a trail car auxiliary battery.

I think I can build a small plastic shelf positioned over the PCB board in the water tank. I’ll glue the sides to the floor of the water tank. Then I’ll use either a silicone or velcro to secure both shelf to the sides and then the battery to the shelf for easy removal if I ever have to get to the PCB for any reason.

Feels like it’s starting to come together. RailPro will be installed in the oil bunker where a majority of the wiring is.


Why the not wanting to go with the 3350 battery, I have them in my GP38’s and get about 4 hours of run time with 1 loco pulling a 10-14 car train

I have two of the big 6700, one for the shay and the other for my Consolidation. I have 3 of the 3350 to go in a 2-truck shay, an LGB Porter, and as a backup in the trailing car for my LGB Forney. I’ve created a shelf that the battery can rest on at the front of the water bunker. I’m using a combination of silicone sealant and Velcro strips in order to access the wiring harness if needed. My issue now is replacing the PCB board in the water bunker because the original looks tired.

Why don’t you just ditch the PC board and wire direct? I have extras from the C-19. I think they are similar to the later 3 truck Shay if you want one.

Thanks Jon,

I just ordered some silicone sleeved/tinned 24 gauge copper stranded wire from Amazon. The PC terminals look pretty clean so will try it this way first. With the wires tinned I can easily insert in the hole before soldering. If it doesn’t work I may take you up on your offer!