Large Scale Central

Battery Advice for Bachmann Big Hauler?

Golly, it sounds from the reports that the LIFE batteries are a nice improvement over LiPo, what with having a great charge rate.

While figuring out whether to lay out the money, I’ll use some nicads to work the kinks out of the wireless system I am designing. I doubt that mine will be as sophisticated as others, but it will be mine and will help with other projects.

But that is a topic for another thread. I’m narrating my progress there.

Hopefully, by the time I am ready to standardize, the answer will be clear and unambiguous. Right?

Just like the theory of scale and gauge. :wink:

I use the C cell sized RC battery packs in the boiler, NiMh, replacing the weight in the boiler. Two 6 cell 7.2 volt will give you a good 4 hours run time. As I use my 10 wheelers for operations with sound and lights, I went with the 8 cell 9.v volt packs and have yet to run out of juice in a session.

I did not know about the nickle hybrids Tony. Thanks for the clarification.

I wonder, how is the price comparison?

I mis-typed. I am getting a 14.4V 3800mAh NiMH Battery Pack. Should arrive today. Will wire up and report.

Now if I only had some track…