Large Scale Central

Bat House Yard Reconstruction

Vary smart move, Stan A… Really like the way the yard is looking. Going to be a lot of fun there.

I just noticed Stan said “future signals”.

Progress continues and the yard is beginning to go together. This is a good thing as we intend to run trains on Sunday and host an operation session the following weekend.


Last weekend we had a crew over who helped move the desk back to provide more room, unloaded a second load of ballast and build the North West wall.

Tracks 6 and 7 are now in and work has started on Tracks 1-3. With the yard elevation set work can also begin on the NW approach which will have to be raised over an inch.

The relocated yard operator table will now also house a radio receiver allowing the yard goad engineer to move around more freely.


That may turn into a 2 man yard operation. One doing in bounds, another doing out bounds. Even before the changes, the guy there was busier then a one armed paper hanger…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:

That may turn into a 2 man yard operation. One doing in bounds, another doing out bounds. Even before the changes, the guy there was busier then a one armed paper hanger…:wink:


You are correct. However we are going to try a different idea. In the past the Yard operator was king in the yard and some had a lot of problems handling 2 or three trains at a time.

With the changes two trains can easily switch the yard at the same time and 3 can work together.

So our idea is to change the yard operator to be an engineer operating a yard goat with the main purpose of switching cars in preparation for arriving trains. The train crews will now have a bigger role in getting through the area.


Stan, that’s very similar to Nelson Yard up in Canada. A big bottle neck, but if you put two guys on there, it changes everything. Lots of fun…

The first phase of the Bat Yard rebuild is done. The main yard is complete along with the two arrival/departure tracks. Tomorrow we will be running trains and populating the yard. Next week we have a major operating session and will use a crew of two to manage the yard.

In Phase 2 we will rebuild the approach on the East end to include the completion of the passing track, an extension of the lead and a crossover from the yard lead to the main. We will also complete the new 2 track engine shed.



That looks great, Stan. Cant wait to see it in person

Yesterday was wet and raw but the heavy rain broke and we got an operating session in.

The first operation in the yard was a success as it allowed more trains to be in the yard area at the same time.

Naturally a larger yard seemed to collect more cars but over time we hope to improve operations so that the yard population is kept at a minimum.

The operation did point out that we need to extend the lead on the east end and complete the passing siding/extra run around which will be started perhaps in late April.

Next up is to complete the engine facility. The temporary tracks are assisting us figure out the best track plan for this area.



Ya need a canopy to keep the rain off ya…:wink:

Certainly looks a lot roomier then it did.


Do you keep track of how many trains ran? Was your session as busy as a normal summer ops or was it geared more to test out the new yard?

Ric Golding said:


Do you keep track of how many trains ran? Was your session as busy as a normal summer ops or was it geared more to test out the new yard?


RailRun is normally one of our larger sessions with around 30 operators, This year however was very cold and wet. Only the dedicated operators attended (shall we say insane) so we only had a crew of 10.

We had 10 train movements over the railroad, five of which had significant work to do in BHY.

I did choose the movements to tax the yard with the limited crew. The yard itself was not staffed.

One fun addition was that the Stiege to Riley train needed to pick up a string of cars in BHY which required it to DH from the yard to Riley. Having a locomotive ready to go staged in the engine facility was a great plus.


Fascinating Stan. It sure looks like all the hard work so far has paid off.

With the main yard done, work shifted to the new Engine Facility on the east end. It consists of a 2 track engine house and a service/rip track for cabooses and car repair.

Thanks to the plans provided by Al Pomeroy we were able to design the engine house based in concept on the Silverton Northern engine house. The main structure is only 76 ft long rather than 80 ft and rather than an extension at the rear there is a 25 by 32 yard office/crew facility on the side. The Engine house is also wider to accommodate larger doors so that Ks will be able to easily fit in. Not sure we will get to building this till next winter but the foundation is in.

The engine facility was completed just prior to yesterday’s ops session and it has already proved its usefulness. Stored there were the Bat yard switcher and a C-19 used to originate trains from Bat Yard. It also served as a place to store a K-27 helper that arrived during the session.

In May we hope to complete the East end with an extended lead and the East end of the passing track.



Aahh Stan, I was hoping to see a SS Stub Switch into the Silverton Northern Engine House.

I’ve been thinking of attempting to build one, but getting the SS rail to bend has proved to be a big problem. What you need to do is to get a C-19 ( close enough looking to a C-18 ) lettered up as 315 to live in the SN engine house like she does, and use her for the yard switcher, Like she did in Durango for many years.

I wonder how well the missus would take it if I said we need to take a trip up to the Boston area to see Stan’s layout???

You wouldn’t believe the size of Stan’s and Debbies layout!
"Holy Rail Road Batman "will come to mind when you see it! :wink:

Jake Smith said:

I wonder how well the missus would take it if I said we need to take a trip up to the Boston area to see Stan’s layout???


You are always welcome to stop by (heck I might even put you to work moving rocks :slight_smile: ). While June is the best month for the garden, the garden is in color from late April till early October.

A great time to visit is August during Railops as you can visit both Bob’s and our layout on the same weekend.


Thanks for the invite Stan. Someday, but since I’m in western South Dakota it is a long jaunt.

We started the redesign of Bat House yard in the spring at the start of the season in the snow.

So it was only fitting that today in the snow we finished installation of the final turnout for the east end approach to the yard.

The new approach extends the yard lead, has a new crossover to the main and completes the new bypass siding.

Our layout will be open on Sunday for Tour de Chooch, which is an event where 27 layouts of various scales are open on the weekend following Thanksgiving. We had planned on completing the yard earlier in the week but the weatherman has other ideas in store for us as we had to clear the layout enough for operations to proceed.

East End Approach for Bat Yard

The photo log for this construction project is at
