Tim Brien said:
I purchased three bags (around 10 kg each) for $3.00Aud (around $2.50Can) each at a local landscape supply store. The ballast is identical to your second photograph. One bag seems about all I really needed. Ensure that your ballast is not magnetic and some ballast become good conductors when moist.
I was very concerned about the magnetic properties of granite fines that I was buying from Home Depot as paver sand. Placing a large magnet into a pile of the stuff covered the magnet with stones and dust. This caused me to withdraw a recommendation to use it - until I realized that at a distance of 1/4" even a strong rare-earth magnet didn't pick it up.
Moral of the story - Most all of the fines in North America will have some iron mixed in. Base your concern of the magnetic properties on a strong magnet placed at the appropriate spacing for motors and sound triggers - not by immersing a magnet in the stuff.
I’ve been running with slightly magnetic ballast for several years and never found a single stone attracted to a motor or trigger magnet. Your mileage may vary.
HJ - Don’t wait for it to rain. Soak your fresh ballast with a soft spray from a garden hose to wet the dust on a dry day. It will soon dry into a stuck together mass. If you wait for rain to do the job, much of it will wash away.
I agree that the sifted stuff looks best. l’d use it as dressing just before an open house or photo session, but not as the stuff the track floats in.
Around these parts the call it Stone Sand.