Large Scale Central

BAD Kitty!

I have discovered something that Llagas Creek NS is susceptible to, weatherwise. “But,” say all who know me, “you have an indoor, and therefore weatherproof, railroad!” Ah yes. I do. Enter Winston … four feet, forty stripes, and … well, the mind of a cat. Apparently he was displeased about something, and decided to use the basket next to the fireplace provided for him to sleep in as a litter box. What we didn’t realize till later was the effluent had gone down between the floor and the fireplace hearth, and dripped onto the railroad below. I now have a piece of Llagas 250 NS that’s turning green … had no idea what had caused it until the carpet padding subroadbed yielded the all too familiar odor, and looking up, one could see the stain on the subflooring… The track is no big deal. It’s a short piece. But he may have compromised a switch … I really hope not. Had the K-27 been parked there … we’d have some matching Tabby potholders! Anyone know if there’s a way to deal with a little corrosion without scrapping the whole thing? Matthew (OV)

You have now discovered the secret formula to “weathering solution”. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

To quote my dear, departed Grandmother:

“He’d do that once!”

LOL … it’s the bright “Statue of Liberty Green” that gets me … guess ammonia gets to copper first… :slight_smile:

And Tom … my Great-Grandmother used to say something along the lines of “If I had a cat like that, I’d chop his tail off … right behind his ears!” Fortunately for Winston, two generations have cooled the chopping genes somewhat.

you can ry some flitz cream. I use it to clean the brass door stuff at work and it does a good job of cleaning it.

Time to kick the cat out. See if he can find better digs elsewhere. What an ungrateful feline!



Ummmm my question is…“what the hell are you feeding that thing?” He whizzes like a firehose or WHAT?

Does make you wonder, doesn’t it?

He is on the large side of large, as cats go, but I have to say I was shocked. I guess as long as that’s the worst he ever does…


We kept cats outside. A priveledged few were allowed inside. An inside cat could easily become an outside cat.

Funny how cats outdoors seem to cause few problems but, indoors, a different kettle of fish. We have several neighbor’s cats that frequent our yard and one that kind of likes to “railroad” when I’m not around but no problems so far.

On the other hand I used to know a Casper Milquetoast kind of guy that had an HO railroad in his basement. He came into the local hobby shop one day complaining that he couldn’t keep his turntable running because it was all rusted and corroded. Seems the wife’s cat liked to use the pit as a litter box and all that gunk ran down the turntable shaft and ruined the motor. I asked him why he didn’t keep the door closed to keep the cat out. He said that the cat had the run of the house and his wife would get mad if he shut it out. Oh well. hehe!

Note: for you young’uns Casper Milquetoast was the principal character in a newspaper cartoon called The Timid Soul.

Richard Smith said:
[i][/i]Note: for you young'uns Casper Milquetoast was the principal character in a newspaper cartoon called The Timid Soul.
Richard - Thanks for making me feel young 'cause I don't remember ever seeing that cartoon :D :D :D

What’s a newspaper?

Those lightweight big sheets of paper you can take with you into the throne room and read.
Or do the crossword if you are so inclined. :wink:

Jon Radder said:
Richard Smith said:
[i][/i]Note: for you young'uns Casper Milquetoast was the principal character in a newspaper cartoon called The Timid Soul.
Richard - Thanks for making me feel young 'cause I don't remember ever seeing that cartoon :D :D :D
Y'know Jon I don't remember it either. I just heard about it from one of those really old guys like Tony! He predates even the Ward's catalog era by using newspaper and all. ;)
TonyWalsham said:
Those lightweight big sheets of paper you can take with you into the throne room and read. Or do the crossword if you are so inclined. ;)

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Richard Smith said:
Jon Radder said:
Richard Smith said:
[i][/i]Note: for you young'uns Casper Milquetoast was the principal character in a newspaper cartoon called The Timid Soul.
Richard - Thanks for making me feel young 'cause I don't remember ever seeing that cartoon :D :D :D
Y'know Jon I don't remember it either. I just heard about it from one of those really old guys like Tony! He predates even the Ward's catalog era by using newspaper and all. ;)
What the heck is a Ward's catalog? I remember using a Sears catalog. Ward's must be something only the really old guys remember. :lol:

Monkey Wards !!! I’ve never been there, but heard tell of it.

Oh man the Montgomery Wards catalogs what memories that brings back of searching for the new train sets, and AC Gilber erector sets, and racing car sets. I still have (and is operational) the Second generation of the first slot car sets still out in my garage the one with the corvette, pickup, and I had two-three 40s coupe’s and the chicane lane. Now that’ll date ya huh??? I was 11 I believe. They still come up on the Evil Bay now and then. Regal

Steve Featherkile said:
Richard Smith said:
Y'know Jon I don't remember it either. I just heard about it from one of those really old guys like Tony! He predates even the Ward's catalog era by using newspaper and all. ;)
What the heck is a Ward's catalog? I remember using a Sears catalog. Ward's must be something only the really old guys remember. :lol:
Must be your memory Steve. I remember Wards, and you have a few years on me :) Ralph