Large Scale Central

Backdating a crane

The guy from San-Val offers these funky crane toys on feebay. Cheap enough, but awful garish, and 1/32… Also much too modern for my layout.

Then I saw this ancient Erie gas/pneumatic crane at the National Pike engine show down at Brownsville, Pa., and it got me thinking (dangerous, that)

First, the crawler base got new sideframe overlays.

I looked for a gas motor the right size… no dice. Then I found an inexpensive resin gen set sold by LarryGscale… which is almost a dead ringer for a Cat D-11000 power unit.

The crane baseplate, stripped of all that orangy mess, got coffee stirrer floorboards. and the gen set lost it’s dynamo. It’s just a bit TOO long, but we’ll live with it. If anybody asks, it was retrofitted after the original engine blew up.

Basswood framing, wood spools and plastic gears. Not near as complicated as it looks!

A bit of Plastruct tube for a horizontal muffler, a 5/8" spool and wheel peg air cleaner, and a 55gal drum (also turned wood) fuel tank. Ain’t we just FANCY?

Siding is good old coffee stirrers again. I made a ‘sheetmetal’ vent out of thin styrene on this side because the Cat’s radiator is REAL cozy with the framing. Wouldn’t want it to overheat, would we?

3/4 rear view showing the open access doors and re-installed counterweight from the toy crane. Ball/Erie units of this vintage were often green with black or grey trim. But I think the grey and barn red just looks snazzy.

I cheated on the roof. It’s a LGB Euro coach roof I got off evilbay shortened to fit and framed in with basswood. The exhaust pipe is some weird Lionel O-scale plastic thingy I found cheap at the LHS on a sprue with crates and barrels. I’ve got about 15 of the dumb things in my junk box now if anybody needs a couple.

Remember all that orange stuff I removed? The boom made it’s re-appearance, sporting some extra bracing, some Ozark pulleys, and a coat of satin black. The controls are wire with styrene tubing grips pressed on.

Doesn’t look too bad, does it?

The clamshell bucket was a project in itself. Luckily I had a metal one from a coin op candy crane in my junk box. The rest of it is wood, styrene, an Ozark pulley, and a little Jerry rigging on the supports in the form of steel wire clad with plastic angle. The plastic wasn’t strong enough by itself, and I didn’t want to spend all that time making 4 metal ones.

A proper clamshell rigging diagram, courtesy of the Department of War of all places. I’m waiting for the glue to dry on the drum end of the two cables before I can hang the bucket…

Should go rather well with the kitbashed Monogram Mack AC with manual cable dump that I built last winter, doncha think?

More pix another day

Interesting project!

Kitbashing is so much fun.

Not sure whether this one would be considered a kitbash or a scratchbuild. About 60% of it is coffee stirrers and basswood. So maybe it’s a “scratch-bash”? Meh, let’s just call it what it is – It’s a good old fashioned “mangle”.

I just noticed that I strung the two bucket leads reversed. I think I left enough slack thread to switch them…If not, one nice thing about it being a semi-freelanced – even if it’s “wrong”, it’s right.

Very cool!!!

I noticed right away that your bucket leads were reversed!

99% done. But now I have to move the mine to make room for it. (and it’s screwed down!)




Nice job Mik :smiley:

Impressive indeed!

Very creative use of your parts and materials.
Nice job.

Mik, You don’t mind if I steal your idea, do you? Looks like a good winter project to add to my list.


Steal away. I have a few more pics saved on the computer if you need them. If I were to do it again, I’d move the base of the boom forward a bit more until it was just behind the front roof supports (I may yet move it… probably by pulling the pivot pin and gluing a block of wood to front of the current one.)

I also have some later model crane pics if anybody wants to make something with a lot of curves. And pics of both an Erie steam shovel and a Thew steam shovel with wheels and a horizontal crowd.

Mik said:


I really like this whole scene with the gooseneck light and all. Very nice Mik…

Very well done!

I like backdating stuff. I have to to model the 1860’s.

David, contact me backchannel, I have a B&O book with a couple pix of civil war era cars. There’s an iron powder boxcar, and ‘pot’ hopper for sure that I can scan if you need them.

I just got one of the cranes like yours-same color even! It was at our local farm store. In a box with a semi. May bash it into the UP rail crane I shot a lot of pix of awhile back. $19 is what I paid.

I got the same crane, and for the same reason. I’m going to get rid of that garish orange, paint it a more respectable black, take off the crawler tracks, and mount it on a flat car for duty as a wreck crane.





This will be a fun bash.

Here is the Southern 903006 in the roundhouse at Spencer. It is still operational and used when needed at the museum.



They pull it out of the roundhouse for Rail Days. Ralph



OH Damn!
Now I gotta build a crane!

David Russell said:
OH Damn! Now I gotta build a crane! Thanks :wink:

How about a double ender ??? This one formerly worked underground in Grand Central Terminal and is retired to the Danbury Railway Museum… []


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[/url][color=blue]FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color] And while I was looking for this picture I found some detail shots of a composite boxcar I shot in 2006 and forgot about :smiley: