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Bachmann Spectrum saddletank Porter 0-4-0 exploded diagram. (82097?)

Hello everyone. I am John from the UK. I have looked everywhere and can’t find the diagrams to enable me to dismantle/reassemble one of these. I want to convert one to radio control. I thought the folks on here might be able to point me in the direction of the drawings if they exist. I’ve had a quick look on here but nothing mentioned AFAICS. Many thanks for any info you can give me. Apologies too, if I have stuffed this in the wrong pigeonhole.

I have one, but as yet I haven’t converted it. If I recall, the paperwork that came with explained how to open it up.

The electronics are located in the boiler. The top shell slides off to expose the circuit board. Not a whole lot of room in there for anything!

I think mine is still partially disassembled. I’ll pull it off the shelf and take some photos. If I still have the diagrams I’ll photo them as well.

EDIT to add: I checked the Bachmann website. They have everything EXCEPT to 0-4-0 Saddle Tank Porter! Could be just an error. They do have a parts listing for it, but nothing on the documentation page. Odd.

Many thanks for that JRad. Photos would be brilliant.
Edit: I too, have been all over Bachmanns site, not a sniff of it.

There is one here:

That is the side tank Porter. I don’t know if the saddle tank Porter is similar enough.

Don’t know if the Lil’ Big Hauler rides on the same motor block or not…

OK, dug it out and found the docs. Lots of pics follow.

Opening the boiler takes a few steps, Remove the sand domes and sand lines. Remove two screws and small blocks on the running boards, slide boiler forward and away. Unplug headlight.
Notice the tabs on the bottom edge of the tank…

This is not on-line anywhere that I have found. Hope this helps!

Right @RRRR4 - Good diagram. Wrong Porter!

Oops Sorry 'bout that. :neutral_face:

If I don’t have a diagram of a model, I take photos with the phone as I remove screws and take notes.
I just start unscrewing stuff and go for it.

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Thanks all for your replies. Its much appreciated. Jon, thanks for the photos and diagrams. Invaluable stuff for me to start working. It might be a while before I start, but I will get there and then bore you all with it working!

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