Fred Mills. said:
I at one time had one of those 2-6-0, Spectrum Moguls, and I suggest, as in my first posting, that the geared axle is the REAR one, as shown in the picture. The rear axle does not have the extra valve motion on it, and is less complicated to replace.
It would be far better to get the “BRASS” geared axle as a replacement, as then you would probably never have to replace it again.
Fred Mills
Yes, Greg’s pic of the brass gears shows the rear axle, with the chuff cam on the middle, as the valve gear is all going forward from the center wheels.
However, I would be very careful with the brass axle (not that it is available as far as I know.) The gear may be different from the usual type (size, etc.) Those new ones that Timmy just purchased are different from the older ones, in that the “D” shaped axle holds the gear, and the NWSL replacement will not fit, as it isn’t knurled to hold the gear. Time will tell if these replacements are better plastic than the originals, which crack as they shrink due to old age (we think.)
In this photo of the old-style gearbox (with the original gear) you can see lots of idler shafts, which don’t show on the photo of the brass gear - and the latter looks larger?

P.S. I don’t see any inside valve gear on Greg’s photo. Does the ‘brass gear’ version not have working valve rods?