So Dave, when are you going to put one thru the grinder?
IF I get one, it will go through the grinder shortly after the write-up and photos.
not that it’d suit what I am after…that Green one is nice!
What is the pricing?
That No. 455 would look nice amblin about the layout. Wonder if that one is the pre-crash or post crash version?
Oops…just noticed the lettering…pre-crash, pre-RGS version…that can be fixed…
Damn thats good lookin…wonder if’n it’d fit in my Christmas Stocking?
I think I heard the MSRP…I’ll check.
Ken, if you look (and if you go to the link page, open any picture, then click that and you’ll get a HUGE picture), there are both pre-and post-wreck 455 versions shown.
Ridge Road Station
$799 for one price.
I’m sure it may be less elsewhere.
oh babby!
Curmudgeon said:
I think I heard the MSRP…I’ll check. Ken, if you look (and if you go to the link page, open any picture, then click that and you’ll get a HUGE picture), there are both pre-and post-wreck 455 versions shown.
Ah, kewl…
found it…
Damn… that is great lookin… won’t make it around my R1s ya say right Dave?
As long as you run two Bridgeworks in series wide open, it’ll get around them.
It may not be on the rails afterwards…
719 at Lantz’s…definitly see one of those in my future…
I wonder who’ll have them for $599 at York?
timmyd said:They'll be fine on R1 [b]straights[/b]. :D :D
Damn... that is great lookin..... won't make it around my R1s ya say right Dave?
Just got a Micro Mark ad. Their price is $727.50,2991.0.html
Read the post by the Bach-Man today.
Read it carefully.
“Dear All,
As far as I know, the plows come only on the specific models, as the pilot beam below has been substantially modified to accept the plow- not a snap on/ snap off situation.
the Bach-man”
If you want a pilot beam, cowcatcher, and all the stuff on it, don’t get a plow version.
All together now, how easy is it to get parts from Bachmann?
Which summer will the Heisler oil bunkers be available for separate sale?