Large Scale Central

Bachmann C-19 help needed

Has anyone put a decoder into a c-19?
It is plug and play. I wired in a decoder and the motor works fine but no lights. I seem to remember there being a problem with the Bachmann pnp socket.


There is nothing wrong with the Bachmann socket.

If the decoder is a Crest Revolution, it is the decoder that is missing a trace to power the lights

Jump the B+ and GND to pins J1-6 and J1-7 solder pads. I forget off the top of my head which of the two is B+ and GND, but I’m pretty sure they’re labeled on the board or wiring diagrams. (I’m at work or I’d take a look at mine.) That carries power forward for the lights, etc.

Note that on the C-19, there is no way to isolate the headlight from the other electronics, so the front headlight cannot be made to be directional using the headlight output of the Revo, or alternatively by one of the function keys. The rear one can be powered from the Revo light output.



I found the problem. “ME”. I had not connect the GND wire. All is good now.
The one thing I did find was that the cooling fan was not working.
This unit does not have a rear light and the fan was pluged into the rear light plug.
I moved it to the fan plug and bingo it works.

Thanks for the help guys,