Large Scale Central

Bachman Yellow Hand Car

I picked up a almost new handcar today. lol… anyways as usual the motor runs but the car does not move. Those of you that have had these what is the repair or fix for them if any and how did ya do it?.. Thanks Travis

Best bet is to send it to B’mann and they’ll replace it.


I bought one a while back off Ebay and it was trouble right out of the box. It didn’t work. I opened it up to find alot of gears and pulleys a rubber bands plus a little rust.

These bachmann handy cars though neat and cool looking seem to be overly complicated leading to many issues of reliability.

You could try lubing it up but it sounds like hte elastic band might be broken so maybe do like Ken suggested and return it.

In the end I returned mine and got a LGB one instead, good ole Gustav pumps and pumps.

The yellow hand cars have an anemic propulsion mechanism at best. The teeny tiny rubber band usually will outlast the axel gears, that have a tendency to split, causing them to spin freely on the axel they are supposed to be driving. The newer grey model has what appears to be a much improved motor and gear assembly. Though I have only seen the grey model and it’s workings in photos.

I reworked a yellow model last year by moving the drive train to the trailer. It is battery powered with a small geared motor that drives both axels via sprocket and chains.

Here is a short video of it in action;

Here is a link to an outfit that sells replacement gears for the drive axel of the hand car itself;