Oy, such a week it’s been already.
#1 - Monday my AccuCraft Garratt starting behaving strangely, and emitting smoke from places smoke should not come - and a funny smell, too. Turns out that the heat shield under the smoke-box isn’t ‘shieldy’ enuff, and it has burnt through a couple of inches of connecting cables from front to rear servos…
#2 - Last night running my ‘Countess/Erl the Loster’ the superheater tube came unsoldered, allowing steam to turn into water where it should not. Instant shut-down there, too.
Shux, guys, that means I’m left with my two and three-cylinder Shays, my RH and a couple of German Pacifics…how am I going to cope?
'spose I could always run some sparkie stuff…
Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration fund