sold Used USA Trains GP38-2 in B&M #204.
Please read description engine has been modified:
This locomotive is set up for battery power from a trail car. The motors and lighting are separated…This way the battery car can provide constant lighting. Factory circuitry is intact to drive the lighting circuits. Track power can be restored, but it may require some work (by new owner). There are no sliders on the trucks.
The shell is in wonderful condition, I even have a few more details still in their bags. The motor blocks are also practically new. I swapped out the motor blocks with ball bearing wheels and used this as a dummy. I will reinstall the motor blocks upon selling.
Looking to get around $300.
Please PM me with your email address for more picutures and details.
Shipping is free in USA.
I also have B&M 205 available if anyone wants to make it a set. However, 205 has Airwire and battery onboard and would be a little more pricey.