Large Scale Central

ARTICLE: WCNG No8, A Bachmann BAsh in Progress!


It all started when I purchsed a BachmannOutside Frame 2-8-0 Consolidation (Affectionately known as Connie). After careful examintation, I decided that I can do a little somethingin 7/8 scale with it. Since turntables are absent on the WCNG itwuld have to recieve a trailing truck for backing movements. So whatnot add a whole new superstructure, bigger boiler, bigger firebox to justifythe trailing truck!

January 3, 2003

There she sits,all pristine, straight from the box. Looks scared doesnt She? i started by stripping off everything that I didn;t want fer this bash.

Thatpretty much took it all the way down to chasis, and then some. Withthis much done the plotting and planning begins! By the end of theevning I had roughed in a boiler.

Well its a start!.. and the Adventure Contiues!