Its been over 2 years and Aristo still has failed to properly support
this product. No water gauges, other parts scare as hen’s teeth, no
diagram or parts list, no decent maintenance or tuning instructions.
I acquired my two Mikados from a previous disgruntled owner. How many
of us does Aristo want?
Worst thing about it is there has been little response to our repeated
cries for the diagrams, the tuning info, parts etc. Has any other
loco been without a parts list and diagram for this long after
We know they have this info! What would it take to put the diagram on
the web site? How much time would it take to have Navin, or whoever
does the tuning of the returned units, write up a set of instructions
and starting points?
I suggest this group engage in a mass email, phone and letter writing
campaign. Our aim is to get the info out on the web site or sent to
someone who would post it. A respectful but firm approach is best at
this point.
However we need to point out that the live steam market is a small one
and repeat customers are what they need. Their lack of support and
documentation seriously jeopardizes repeat and future sales.