Large Scale Central

Aristo track price increase

Warren Mumpower said:
I'm waiting for LGBoA to produce track..and significantly undercut Aristo. Then we shall see what Lewis has to say....:/

That could

a) be a very long wait

b) need a miracle since copper isn’t vapour ware

:wink: :lol: :wink:

Of course I could be wrong. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:

Warren Mumpower said:
I'm waiting for LGBoA to produce track..and significantly undercut Aristo. Then we shall see what Lewis has to say....:/
I jumped on line when this fiasco came out and ordered all the LGB turnouts and track that I might ever need in the future from RRS. I now have a nice stash of 1800 series turnouts and 1000 feet (+or-) of track. All I need now is the Train-Li bender and I can sit back and let LGB run out or raise prices. I don't use Aristo track so I don't really care what they do with their prices. jb
John Bouck said:
Warren Mumpower said:
I'm waiting for LGBoA to produce track..and significantly undercut Aristo. Then we shall see what Lewis has to say....:/
I jumped on line when this fiasco came out and ordered all the LGB turnouts and track that I might ever need in the future from RRS. I now have a nice stash of 1800 turnouts and 1000 feet (+or-) of track. All I need now is the Train-Li bender and I can sit back and let LGB run out or raise prices. I don't use Aristo track so I don't really care what they do with their prices. jb
Dear Mr Bouck - What are you going to do with a layout that has a turnout every 6.5 inches? That's going to be very interesting to see.

Almost two thousand turnouts must have taken some finding…are they all the same, or mixed? No wonder they are in short supply!

Best wishes from an awe-struck tac
Ottawa Valley GRS

Well, I hear on the vipe-grain that Accucraft UK are going to be introducing their own range of track products in the very near future.

Needless to say, it will come from China, same as Aristocraft and USA Trains.

Here in UK, Tenmille, who make a near-matching code 332 brass track to the LGB profile [except that the base is slimmer] continue to make their track without a price hi…increase.

It’s all rather odd, if you ask me…


Ooops. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Post edited.
“A stash of 1800 series turnouts” and lots of 4’ straight track, 5’ rail and boxes of tie strips." is what it should have said.

Hi guys,

Done with the track yet?

Next time you go to the hardware section, check out the price of brass screws! :frowning: :frowning: :smiley:

Nah, just lay rail and install switches! You have too much to do to go anywhere!

Doug Arnold said:
Nah, just lay rail and install switches! You have too much to do to go anywhere!
Well, with the projects for SWMBO there's no way around heading to the Big Box for more supplies. ;)

Going canoing this afternoon. Wanna do sumpin different.

John Bouck said:
TAC, Ooops. :) :) Post edited. "A stash of 1800 series turnouts" and lots of 4' straight track, 5' rail and boxes of tie strips." is what it should have said. jb

just joshing ya, John…


Don’t let John pull your leg Terry. He’s modeling the GN yards as they were at Hillyard on Sept 14, 1955 at 1:39pm :smiley:


I hate be picky, but…the web page you are showing in your signature is wrong…

It should be:      

Warren Mumpower said:
Don't let John pull your leg Terry. He's modeling the GN yards as they were at Hillyard on Sept 14, 1955 at 1:39pm :D
Yep, Warren!

But did he tell you that it is the “museum” version with “a few” of the tracks taken out? :lol: :lol: But he’s going to model the shops complete with interiors.

I’d like to model that, with all the lokies that were present at the yard then.
I’m building a very modest double track mainline–with crossover and a reversing loop.
And mebbe a long storage building like The Port Orford warehouse.
That’s all.


my father inlaw follows this stuff since he is in the business HE work for grumman and has things he build on the moon. I showed him the track and the price of metals etc China is sucking it in and has a huge reserve. he also said exursion is still going up but not like that. Aristo is’nt buying big volume so the price goes up. two they jump on the band wagon like alot of companies rise it high now so when the stock market goes down they make more. third George bush has pissed the world off and we pay the price. now my feelings this will hurt large scale trains what good is it if you buy the train but can’t effort the track. so now aristo will now come out with new remote and battery power which will cost more than before.

john reilly said:
SNIP ...... now my feelings this will hurt large scale trains what good is it if you buy the train but can't effort the track. so now aristo will now come out with new remote and battery power which will cost more than before.
As a lower cost alternative to Brass/Stainless and expensive track power, you could always choose Aluminium track and RCS/EVO for your battery R/C. ;)

the price of copper is simply a factor of supply and demand. It has nothing to do with politics or religion or who is the current president. Copper suppliers regulate supply to regulate the price, much as happens in the oil industry. If demand increases. with supply remaining a constant then more people want it than is able to be supplied, resulting in an increase in price. Simply increasing production to cover current demand is not used by the primary producers, as an oversupply situation can result, with a plummet in world pricing. Rather than a roller coaster situation, suppliers prefer a more contstant pricing level.

well when Bill clinton was our pres. my heating oil was 69 cents a gallon. Bush and our vp are both oil men how do you think we are getting our army and air bases in the middle east for free. rember oil companies are paying high div’s right now and making record profits do you think george is going to pull the rug out from his friends. go online and look at what oil company has the contract in Irac I do belive our VP was the ceo of that company before his new job has vp of the us that’s my feelings and now it’s time to go back to train talk

TonyWalsham said:
john reilly said:
SNIP ...... now my feelings this will hurt large scale trains what good is it if you buy the train but can't effort the track. so now aristo will now come out with new remote and battery power which will cost more than before.
As a lower cost alternative to Brass/Stainless and expensive track power, you could always choose Aluminium track and RCS/EVO for your battery R/C. ;)
Tony how much does it cost to change a loco over to battery about 150 to 200 dollars how if we buy alum track where's the savings and once the demand for battery goes so does the price r/c and alum track

Irrespective of these views world pricing of copper and other base metals are a factor of the marketplace and not politics.