Large Scale Central

Aristo Slow Switch Machine

I’m looking at a slow switch machine in a layout. It’s one of several. The others all work. This one doesn’t. That’s why I’m looking at it.

I’m guessing, from this image:

that you put the wires either to screws 2 and 3 or 1 and 3, depending on the voltage, and determine the direction by the polarity.

This non working one, if I put + to screw 2 and - to screw 3, it runs one way, but it doesn’t go the other way unless I put + to screw 3 and - to screw 1. Screw 1? Yup.

Is this how it’s SUPPOSED to work?

nope, looks like one of the components that is supposed to limit the travel (disconnect power at end of throw) is open all the time…

pull it apart and check the contacts inside.

I’m amazed you have one, they were really not real popular, and not well built either.


There are 6 of them here.

I think something must be zorched inside. So I connected 1 and 2 together. Works now.

Yeah, if you open them up, you should be able to identify the “limit switches”…

As you have it connected, does it work as it should, i.e. give it one polarity, and the motor drives to the limit and stops (mechanically) and disconnects electrically (no more power to the motor)?

I’m afraid with a bad limit switch (if that indeed is the problem), then it might indeed move back and forth, but the motor might be still drawing current, because it is mechanically stalled.

Regards, Greg

No, the motor is not stalled out.