Large Scale Central

Aristo Pacific drive question

Hello all! I am currently building a 10 wheeler using an Aristocraft Pacific drive for power, however as designed the motor hangs out the back in the firebox and transmits power via a small flex shaft. due to shorter design the motor won’t work there and needs to be moved. I thought of flipping tho motor on top and run a small chain drive leading from the rear of the block to the shaft on the motor. Has anyone ever tried this, or have any other possible ideas for moving it?



Silver Creek & San Juan R.R.

Loyet Lumber Company

It’s been done, see how Jerry Barnes did it on his challenger.



Use a timing belt with corresponding pulleys. Very smooth and quiet. That’s how BRAWA fixed the original “Aristo designed” drive on their RhB Connie.

I agree on the timing belt, tried the plastic chain drive on one of my projects and was amazed at how noisy it was, replaced with timing belt and all you hear is the motor ! The last version of the Aristo C-16 used a timing belt and it’s much quieter than the first generation with spur gears.

I put the motor on top(was an older Pacific drive) and used sprockets and chain. Works great. Might be some pix on my web page, in the projects.

Thanks for the ideas guys :smiley: Jerry, what kind of sprockets and chain did you use?

Jerry has a youtube somewhere, where you can see and hear it in action.


Delrin sprocket and chain. I think I got it from Plastrut, but not sure. Should show up on a search.

Jerry , the Delrin chain is excellent stuff ; I don’t know if you recall seeing on here some years back a Railbus I made (it looked like an orange coloured school bus) ; its final drive comprised two Delrin chain and sprocket sets , one to each side of the drive axle .

It is very quiet and is fully visible ; it is difficult to hear the gentle noise it makes .

It still runs after all this time , there has been minor stretching but not sufficient to remove any links .

It is not lubricated , it does not need it .

So I go along with your use and recommendation of it .

Excellent stuff .


Greg Elmassian said:

Jerry has a youtube somewhere, where you can see and hear it in action.



would this be the one?


I think there was one closer up, as I remember clearly hearing the whine of the drive.

I don’t remember the long shot at the end.

As I remember there were shots where the loco filled the frame without the tender.

Regards, Greg

I tried it several ways. Ended up with the chain drive. Not sure I made any videos of that. Have not run it in years, the centipede tender does not track too well, so seldom mess with it.

On my web page, the project button #3 you can see some of the build.

The gear drive worked but did whine, later I did the chain drive, but don’t recall the sound.