Any sale below 25%, I don’t classify as being “…something is too good to be true it usually is!!” category. Maybe if over 50% or if I get a “free” item. But like shopping 'round for the best price ya still got to hand up the total final to my door cost.
Now if I was person who got ‘wound up’ on alleged deals I would be slamming Canada’s own AKT for excessive shpg costs BUT i don’t, it only took one experience to realize that I could have bought local for the same price point. AND I say AKT is one of a only couple resellers that on a regular basis have the lowest prices in G-gauge product . . . ya just have to factor in shpg costs if ya can’t make a in person visit to their shop.
MAP scheme, yes it sucks but if you read resellers ads the big ones state upfront call (or visit online) for their ‘real’ price point. If outfits ask for the MAP price chat about them not AC cause the reseller seems to be the one stuck on MAP or in extreme cases MSRP.
Although when this MAP scheme was rolled out they (manufacturers) referenced following electronics shops . . maybe down dere but up here electronics shops be it the one or two that are still Cdn based or the u.s. based ones rollout flyers that state THEIR ‘sale’ prices (NOT so-called MAP prices) Ya don’t have to call them/visit online/ or drop in for actual in store pricing.
Seeing MAP in publications like GR, just turns me off in purchasing ‘today’ I wait till the our next SUPERTRAIN IASTS or maybe I afford a trip to catch a u.s. based LSTS for real time price point and usually a show’un at that. If the resellers reeeeally wanted to they could say NO to the manufacturers pushing MAP on them quit stocking those manufacturers but NO they want you to call or visit them online and spend time with their at times cashout utility to find what the alleged better pricing maybe . . . so much easier to play that angle so what if ya some badmouth the manufacturers.
“… I’ll spend less whenever I can…”
A smart consumer will do that from day one the first time they’re paid an allowance and want to buy some gum or chocolate . . . . .
IMHO, doug c
FYI Inbound into Canada model railway product is duty free the only charge different is the $5 per parcel processing fee UNLESS you make a mistake and do biz’ with product supplier who will only ship courier/overnight postal which usually involves a courier-like entity who will slap on some Cdn-based brokerage fees 'cause they can and will !!