Large Scale Central

Appalachia in 1:29

An adaptation of the theme in the small scale could look like this. Should keep both the tail-chasers (roundy-rounders) and the switching-clan happy. The folded dog bone creates the impression of double track, but makes things more interesting.

it is 15000 long. 15000 what?

Korm Kormsen said:
it is 15000 long. 15000 what?

15000mm aka 15m. Funny thing about software you select the measuring units and then it just sticks with that. :wink: :slight_smile: I could also select centimeters and in Imperial decimal inches or fractions. Perhaps I should switch that just for kicks and to confuse Korm. :confused: :stuck_out_tongue: The length is 590 35/64"; width 299 7/32".

ah, i see. so the plan is for a yard, that has 15 yard…

if that is about 15 meters/yards, the sidings should be about ten feet long (short?) each.
so is it planned for an epoch 1 layout?

Actually in the usual fashion this would be for the transition era, late steam - early diesel. But since it’s coal country steam’s hanging in there. Mining branches had/have all types of loadouts, from small - in this case - to much larger. The dogbone maintrack is long enough to have long coal drags running. Along with short locals and even a shorty passenger train.
All kinds of action to keep people entertained; just large enough not to be overwhelming and with enough scenery and “stuff” to make it believable. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

And certainly for the garden, it’s a lot more fun, a bit more of a challenge and much healthier than the mole existence in the basement.

Scenery concept to follow when the mood strikes me.

Structures and roads added to the one town.


I like it :slight_smile:

Dear HJ,

Which CAD program are you using?


Joe Satnik

Actually it isn’t a CAD program, it’s the most sophisticated of the “grab the track and add it” programs I’ve come across. AnyRail has tons of different track libraries, fairly easy to learn if you just use those. It has a neat feature to import graphic elements. The people behind the development (out of Holland) are fairly receptive for new ideas and additions to make it even more user friendly.
However the track selection in LS needs to be expanded; I suggested all the usual suspects to create the best mix for both Code250 and Code332.
Since the developers tweeked quite a few of the Flextrack features - suggest it and it will (most likely) happen - things are getting closer to the function set that I’m accustomed to. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:

Which brings up the drawbacks, you can’t just add your own library of track the way I do in CADrail, it gets a bit quirky when working on large “real estate” like in LS and can be a pain in the smaller scales when designing large, very large layouts. And forget about using it for general application design; I use CADrail as a 2D application for all my design work, parts, furniture, house renos etc. etc. etc.

OTOH it has certain advantages in the “appearance” department, which means I can get a lot more done in any track plan before I import it to Corel to do the rest of the scenery. AnyRail together with/supplemented by CADrail is a happy combo that does the trick for my purposes.