I had a car like the first one, except it was a lemon yellow Vega. It smoked so bad the county considered giving me a license for mosquito abatement. The Chevy engine was all aluminum, would get 20 MPG and use two quarts of oil per fill up.
Don’t judge, it had a lime green interior considered state of the art in its day.
I’d like to put a smoke unit in this. Would be fun to see it’s “contrail” as it zoomed by.
Regards, David Meashey
Remember the term “Rat Rod”, from where I see it came from was the name given to older vehicles (20’s-50’s vehicles) that look like they were revived to run and their bodies were left pretty much in there condition when found. Today’s Rat Rods are pretty much a total rebuild of the undercarriage and power train and the cost is pretty much over the top. I have a friend who has and old-style Ford Lowboy with a V8 Flat Head engine, and it has lawn chairs for the seats. I will say the seats need some type of an upgrade to ride in the thing.
Many moons ago I drove a step van. They only come with a driver’s seat, but I often needed a passenger with me. My solution was an aluminum framed lawn chair tied to the floor with pipe clamps! Fortunately there was no one with me when the van ended up on it’s side after being T-Boned in an intersection. That van was totaled and in it’s replacement I upgraded to a padded folding chair! I would also transport my son in a baby carrier just sitting on the engine cover! It’s amazing any of us lived to be old farts!