Large Scale Central

Anybody want an Aristo 10 amp power supply and train engr

Joe Rusz said:

Aww, you shouldn’t have…

I don’t know where your message went but as I wrote yes-ta-day, I couldn’t find it and wouldn’t have deleted it. I even went to my website,, which has ben dormant because of my laziness. But nada, in the “Contact Us” column which nobody ever uses. Anyway, to quote that hackneyed phrase, “It is what it is.”

Onward. Or as the locals say in Hawaii, “An den?”

I would like to come by and pick it up to have it in place for the convention on the Sept 9th. I left you my phone number the other day in Private Messages. You can call me back and let me know when its convient, or leave me a PM.



I picked up the TE yesterday. Thanks Joe.

It turns out that Joe is a master craftsman when it come to making G-scale structures and has made some of the nicest, and most detailed, I’ve seen. Hey Joe, how about posting a few pics if and when you can?

Turns out Todd and I have a lot in common, which HIPA won’t allow us to discuss. Meanwhile, I hope he gives the old TE a good home. As for me, I’m going back to clock spring/windup power like in the old days.

Thanks for the complement, on my structures, Todd. Building them is the only thing I’ve mastered and I’ll post some pix when I get off my lazy "tylek." You can ask the Buffalo guys what that means, but it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out.

My final comment about meeting Todd: We guys are a special bunch. Bright, driven, and all that good stuff. Even if we do, “Play with trains.”