My wonderful wife wants to purchase a scroll saw for me. Ok she wants me to buy it so she can give it to me. Some features that I’m looking for:
entry level (16" length) I don’t have a lot of space to have it out all the time.
cost < $300
variable speed
to be used for some curved cutting when scratch building (ok that is kind of obvious with looking at a scroll saw - I’m not interested in a band saw)
might get into doing some scrolling projects (thus an entry level scroll saw)
adjustable dust blower
Are there other features that I should be looking at?
There seems to be so many models out there. Anybody have some experience with some and how did they work out for you?
I’ve heard that if I go for some cheaper ones, that I might get what I pay for (that there might be a lot of vibration and noise at higher speeds, the table isn’t very smooth). Are there any brands/models that I should avoid?
There seems to be a lot of scratch builders on this site that I’d look forward to hearing their views/opinions.