Large Scale Central

Any Locolinc experts around here?

I picked up a Bachmann 4-6-0 tender in an auction, as the multi-pin connector on the front made me think it might have something useful in it. I’m not sure how useful it will be, but it is on good condition with metal wheels.

It has a complete Locolinc rig in it. I’m curious about the sound board.

The professional installation at least gives me some leads to pursue. Anyone think the sould card in this pic might be a Soundtrax Sierra, or is it a ‘Soundlinc’?


sound card looks to be Phoenix big sound 2k2 board.

Al P.

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I wondered about that. I have about 3 Phoenix cards, and they are all too complicated to use!

If you don’t want the Phoenix cards, I’m open to them. PM if interested.