Large Scale Central

Another useless post from Rooster

Isn’t he the tripple rainbow guy?
Isn’t he gone now ?

And who do we know with a BL-2?

Any new Amtrak photos?

Same guy with the K-27?

Could but haven’t dug out that arsenal yet. If I decide to get those “toys” out I’m thinking just one big massive AMTRASH consist with no arrangement what so ever.

Hollywood has a K-27?
I don’t believe it !

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When all else fails there is always Hanover Junction ! Abetrak would approve!

Guess I should post an Amtrak photo.

My train was headed for Ottawa, had to stop for lubrication.

Post away …would love to see the AMTRASH YOU HAVE running on your,you’re layout!

Really enjoying the updates!

Is the real thing allowed?


I guess I need to dust off the Amtrak Rattle Can Express and have ‘er take a few laps. What ever happened to that traveling Rooster anyway?

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That’s fresh and all I got for tonight. I will mind you that the CVRR Pioneer and her Combination car used to ride those same BIG rails many moons ago. Just no Amtrash this evening on the little rails. The closest I get to BIG rails of Amtrash is Harrisburg.


Uh-oh… trying to slip back over…rooster-runs-into-INS


Amtrak makes a brief station stop while the coal train holds on the main…


Be careful out there. This guy walked right into a moving train!

Have fun, David Meashey