Large Scale Central

another one...

Awesome! An MP15AC switcher is high on my list of wants too! Will you be going with the CSX gray/yellow/blue scheme?

Right now I’m leaning towards the newer dark blue scheme. I still haven’t got my SD70ACe to the paint shop yet. Too many details killing the fun of it.
I have to scribe some door panels and details , now for both units.
Thanks again for more pics!

I vote for the dark blue paint.

I think at the least, the dark blue would be easier. I actually like it better. I got a little farther:(
But as usual it was caused by the two steps back rule of mine. I had to redo the front of the cab:
someone forgot that the windows had to be scale and in the right placement. They hit the hood. Also the top of the hood was angled and I thought it was flat. Urrggg.
( it did look like a barge now that U say it…)

my finger hurts!!

Nice start!

Looking good for a diesel :wink:

Looking good Joe

Looking good. You will always find things you have to change, as you go along. Figuring them out is the fun part.

Looking good.

Thank you for the compliments!

Very nice. I always thought the next diesels out of our two manufactures would be a newer swticher (sw-1500 +) or a SD-9. I cannot wait to see the finished product.

BTW, its an interesting comparison to the BL2 !!!

Well … I bit the bullet. I knew something wasn’t right before I glued it up. Still I went ahead. When I discovered the top of the hood wasn’t flat, it should have told me all my dimensions were WRONG! I was afraid to fix it. It bothered me too much.
Rather than starting all over, I re-cut the shell’s sides off the top of the hood. Lost about 1/4" and reglued it back together. It really only took a little while. I made a mistake on the first cut and will have to fill in a small gap at one end. At least, I can live with it now.

Joe, looks good to me… will be a nice project to follow as you build…

got a little more done(

I used to watch them switching the Bensenville Illinois yard when the Milwaukee Road owned it. Then they painted some of them in SooLine colors and now CP Rail . Always was one of my favorite switch loco’s. They look Like little tunnel motors to me.CP 1426

Every pic of them I see has some kind of difference to each. Those windows are glaring at me and for a second, I thought I did those wrong too. Look at how short that gas tank is. I have to check and see if that’s a MP15T?? I can’t see if the hood is slanted in front of the cab in that shot.
Nope, I have to keep studying.
It’s seems odd to me on how old these things are already. I thought I was pre-planning a new switcher build a few years back. I guess the gensets would have been the new guys. I looked at the years the s4 and nw2 were made. Wholly cow!
I’ve got to capture the look of the cooling area next. Looks kind of like the top of the Aristo Dash9s. They aren’t the right size and I couldn’t get the grills a year ago. I may try to cast them or maybe solder a zillion brass wires to make them?? Off to look at screening.
I wish I had a close-up view of them!

Joe, Each railroad had some sort of their design features engineered with their loco’s… You just need to stay with pictures of the locomotive/Railroad you want to model…

It’s kinda like buying a new car… some want all the expensive options, and some don’t…

Looking real good!

That is still a large engine!
In the pics and next to the tender!
You are doing a great job!