Large Scale Central


Still wish I could be there :frowning: I hope everyone has a great time. Without me there to tie up the works, trains should run on time :smiley:

Jon Radder said:
Still wish I could be there :( I hope everyone has a great time. Without me there to tie up the works, trains should run on time :D

Good thing you never met Mussolini. :smiley: :wink: :smiley:

We are hoping to see pictures of the “Invasion.”

There will be pictures posted as soon as the “Regulars” return home.
My brother took a few that I will send to “The Boss”, who, I’m sure will post them where and when he sees fit.

…but; there are two days left, and the party continues…

Breakfast at Chances R, then the ops session. There better be pictures!

Enjoy yourselves and have lots too drink and toast , maybe the train photos will be at eye level to the trains …ha ha ha

We just finished the party around 23:00…I’ll send you a disk with loads of pictures taken at Doug’s place on Friday, Bob. My brother took lots of shots…and gave Doug a disk of them
Trouble is that Doug won’t post them here…he only posts on the other place…
There were a lot of pictures taken, by Gord’s grandson, so I may get a lot from him of the operation today.
We had, what in basesball is called a “Double Header”, today. We had two back to back operating programmes. It went on from about 09:00 until 17:00…all went VERY well.
Bruce, Ken, and Ric; kept saying that this year’s party was the best ever…and it ain’t over yet.
We go over to Bill Scobies on Sunday morning, for an operation there on the Sn3 pike.