Large Scale Central

And you think your trackwork needs help!

Top this!

Yeah, but the scenery makes up for it!

Shoot! That looks like freshly laid track on the POC. hehe! Actually the prototype rails in Coos Bay have looked that way for years, even when they were still in use. Plus parts would flood over in heavy rains.

Jerry’s right though, “the scenery does make up for it”.

Pictures like that give a non-railroader, the impression that the track is in. worse, far worse condition than it actually is.

It has to do with the lense of the camera, or something.

That track is in no way #3 class trackage…

Fred Mills said:
Pictures like that give a non-railroader, the impression that the track is in. worse, far worse condition than it actually is.

It has to do with the lense of the camera, or something.

That track is in no way #3 class trackage…

Yes Fred, it’s a Telephoto lens at 260mm, picture taken on a logging railroad - they were never known for good track if they could get away with less.

there is a youtube video of a train that actually realigns the rails as it travels over it. The track is so bad the pilot step rubs the ground as the loco leans over.

Terry Burr said:
there is a youtube video of a train that actually realigns the rails as it travels over it. The track is so bad the pilot step rubs the ground as the loco leans over.
Indeed Terry. I have seen a couple of vids of this kind. I never worry when I see some of my stock wobble as it passes over switches or a change of direction: I accept it as prototypical for many a shortline. lol

OK. Steve where is it?? And yes I’ve seen some just like it here in the states as well as Germany! Even have a photo or two. See I do have a proto type for my poor track work!


That looks just like my track, when taken with a telescoping lens.
Jens proved it the last meet with his vid camera.
And we thought we had it straight.

I know what you mean John :smiley:


Nice shot Jon!
Grade looks a bit hellish though

I dont see anything wrong with that track when my contacts are out. Looks perfect to me. LOL

E. Paul Austin said:
OK. Steve where is it?? And yes I've seen some just like it here in the states as well as Germany! Even have a photo or two. See I do have a proto type for my poor track work!



Don’t you recognize it? It’s in your back yard. That is Simpson Timber Company’s trackage near Shelton, WA, with Tahoma (Mt Ranier for the unwashed) in the background.

Here is another

You just can’t do “backwoods” with code 332… :wink:


Later, K

After seeing those videos I don’t feel so bad about the rough spots on the lsyout. They’re prototypical!

If your track looks like that, how will you tell if your B’mann wheels wobble? hehehe