The link below is to a recent documentary of maybe America’s largest gold/silver mill ever, built right at the end of its ore supply opportunity – but with the latest architectural techniques and materials at the time (1920). I’ll opine you’ll never see this on TV.
The mill was recently demolished because of hazardous conditions for “visitors.” As I understand it though, part of the demolition deal was to make a decent documentary of the story.
The cost of production was apparently kept low; and the wrist-slitting part was that the (few) shots representing a steam loco were of a dang euro loco! Sheesh… The other big flaw (to my mind) is that the historical photos don’t even closely represent the time being spoken of – for miners, machinery, etc.
However, they got all the local historical experts to participate, and show great footage and stills of the mill.
So if you’re not a V&T snob and can get past the flaws , this is a neat documentary. I’ve rode by the site on the V&T RR, and it is/was really impressive. And though the mill is of a later era I’m concerned with model-wise, the story’s of a not much later era. I enjoyed it, and maybe you will too.